Mole will not pass: proven ways to combat this pest
Havsegda get rid of mole crickets help personally tested means of combating described in this article. But first, let us turn to the materiel, and find out who the mole crickets as they multiply, and the depth at which they live.
Medvedka, contrary to popular belief - is not an animal, and insect adults that reach 5-6 centimeters in length.
Fivot cricket undergroundAdvantageously in zavodnyaemyh and moist soils rich in humus. On the surface of the earth cricket crawls out only at night and only for reproduction.
find Medvedkov not so easy: the main symptoms - sudden death of plants and seedlings, and the second is a sure sign that you have bred mole crickets - twisted land rollers, Medvedkov thrown out to the surface.
Razmnozhaetsya cricket in the spring when the ground warms up to a temperature of 8-10 degrees. In early May, it lays its eggs at a depth of 8-10 cm in the soil fertilized with humus.
How to deal with Medvedkov: people's ways of dealing
1) A warning - in early May on a site it is necessary to expand the small handful of manure - the smell will attract medvedok, and in them they will lay their eggs. 7-8 days should be a bunch of stir and when the eggs - burn.
2) In May paths between the beds must be loosened again in 10-12 days, and at a depth of 10 centimeters - there, too, could be postponed eggs mole crickets
If cricket already hatched?
If cricket has grown, you can help the following tips:
3) it is necessary to dig the earth ware (glass, cup or bowl) filled with water so that the upper bound was 6-7 centimeters - so cricket can not escape from the trap.
On his site, I catch 7-8 medvedok into the trap per night!
4) Along the plot can sprinkle sand and pour kerosene on it - the smell will scare medvedok, and they will not come to you with a neighboring plot.
5) If people do not help, it's time to turn to chemistry - Malathion. 20-25 grams is dissolved in 10 liters of water and shed space of possible damage pest. The result was not long in coming: mole cricket will die.
6) In the fall, you can repeat the same trick with heaps of dung on the plot - mole crickets will seek to further defer to their "winter" yaytsy.