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L-shaped blind area: cheap, effective, durable

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Blind areas have many designs, but the most optimal and effective is the L-shaped blind area. According to experts, it does not come off the base and perfectly protects the foundation from water. There is no need to make a sand and crushed stone pillow under it, which means that time and money are saved. How to build an L-shaped blind area - read on.

L-shaped blind area: cheap, effective, durable

Stages of work

The first step is to get rid of vegetation and level the soil at the work site. The second step is to compact the soil using a vibrating plate or other available means.

The third step is to mark the future blind area. When marking, you need to take into account the slope. According to the norms, it should be from 1 to 10 centimeters per meter of structure. The optimal slope is 2-3 cm per meter.

Photo source for publication: YouTube channel Sergan TV
Photo source for publication: YouTube channel Sergan TV

Further, a trench 200 * 200 mm in size is dug along the perimeter of the house. The distance of the trench from the basement is the width of the blind area. The width of the blind area should exceed the overhang of the roof by 20 centimeters - this is the minimum requirement.

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The next step is to set the formwork on the outside of the trench. After that, reinforcement and placement of beacons are performed. As a reinforcement, you can use a road mesh with a bar thickness of 4 mm and a mesh of 100 * 100 mm.

Photo source for publication: YouTube channel Sergan TV

The final stage is concrete pouring. Before pouring, you need to make blotches of concrete and raise the reinforcing mesh so that it is in the thickness of the mortar. During concrete work, it is necessary to compact the mixture well with a vibrator or bayonet. The blind area is ready!

Why does the L-shaped blind area work

When arranging the blind area in the traditional way, a wide trench is dug around the perimeter of the building, in which a sand-crushed stone cushion is formed. This trench can be conventionally called a pool. This pool is filled with sand and gravel, which allows water to pass through well.

Water always tends downward - this is physics. In any case, moisture gets under the concrete canvas, and then, through the pillow, into the ground. In autumn, the soil under such a blind area is oversaturated with water, and in winter frosty heaving simply raises and tears the blind area from the basement.

In the case of an L-shaped blind area, a natural lock is created through which moisture cannot get under the concrete canvas. In addition, the structure of the soil under the blind area is compacted, and this excludes the ingress and accumulation of water, as is the case with a pillow made of bulk materials.

Did you know about this option for making a blind area? Write in the comments.

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