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As you take care of tulips in June and early July, the flowering will be so beautiful next spring. I share my plan

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Do you want your tulips to become even more beautiful next year? Then a fiery salute, fellow flower growers! Today on the agenda - last chance affect future flowering. I carefully put the watering can in the dilapidated shed, take out the fertilizer and... waiting for the leaves to wither.

Adjust watering

The tulip, being a typical and exemplary bulbous plant in our gardens, is sensitive to moisture. There is nothing worse than constantly wet soil. Especially in those moments when it is not needed. And the time before the beginning of the dormant period, which will come very soon, is the very case. Therefore, it is not worth watering tulips now, if ...

A tulip is not a sissy woman who hangs her ears without watering. But still, sometimes it's worth approaching him with a watering can
A tulip is not a sissy woman who hangs her ears without watering. But still, sometimes it's worth approaching him with a watering can
A tulip is not a sissy woman who hangs her ears without watering. But still, sometimes it's worth approaching him with a watering can

... There is no such critical heat that now stands in my native village with the melodious name of Perkhushkovo. While I sit with the dog under the air conditioner and longingly estimate how much "light" the dastardly meter will wind up, the earth on the flower beds dries before our eyes.

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Friendly advice: Comrades! Take care of your head! Crawl out into the garden only early in the morning or in the evening, if your area has the same abnormal heat

This is a great danger: from an acute lack of moisture, the tulip can retire before the bulbs mature to the desired degree. Therefore, be sure to water your tulips in the heat, when there has been no rain for a long time. Until the leaves begin to dry for natural reasons, and not from thirst.

I hope that all my readers are savvy in tulip agricultural technology and do not leave flowers after wilting
I hope that all my readers are savvy in tulip agricultural technology and do not leave flowers after wilting

In the evening and purely symbolically. The other day I specially went and figured out: according to my inaccurate calculations, I spend about 1 incomplete watering can (10 liters) per 1 meter in a square. I take care of myself - I don't wear whole ones! And quickly back, under the saving condo.

Last feeding: you can still catch it

At the last stage of its life, the bulb needs only one element - potassium. Comrade! Feel free to move the mullein bucket away. Get your potash fertilizer. You can still have time to make feeding so that it has time to act. If the tulip leaves already unequivocally hint that the plant will soon retire, then exhale - it is already pointless to fertilize.

The family will always come in handy!
The family will always come in handy!

I think the best potassium fertilizer is potassium sulfate. It already contains about 50% of the substance we need. And there is no chlorine, as in the main competitor - potassium salt, but there is a pinch of useful sulfur. It makes sense to use fertilizer only in the form of a solution: 1 g per 1 liter. I water the tulips from a watering can from above, at the same time wetting the leaves. It turns out both root and foliar feeding.

Timely digging up tulips

The only drawback of the annual digging of tulips is the long fuss and the need to sort the extracted treasure somehow, I apologize, for the tautology, into varieties. In order not to get a clumsy flower bed next year, on which flowers do not match each other in shades.

Friendly tip: Tulips are dug up when the leaves are completely wither or wither by at least 2/3

"Grandmothers" and simple varieties can live in one place without digging for years. But the risk that some of the bulbs will still go to an unforgivable depth remains.

Inspection and culling of all sick / rotten is obligatory
Inspection and culling of all sick / rotten is obligatory

And varietal, these here are fringed / parrot / and hell knows what the Dutch have taken out, no doubt, it is necessary to dig it out every year. First it is lethal to feed, then - to dig it out. Otherwise, the variety inevitably loses its original appearance, and the unlucky grower has to invent ridiculous excuses in the form "the bulb is reborn" or "the tulip is dusty", which contradicts all the laws of biology, but justifies its own laziness.

Do you like tulips and was the article interesting? Click, comrade, "Thumbs up"! Sincerely yours, Fyodor Tyapkin-Sklyankin, broadcasting from under the air conditioner.

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