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Potted midges portend serious flower problems. No need to stick matches, it is better to approach the problem reasonably

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Potted midges portend serious flower problems. No need to stick matches, it is better to approach the problem reasonably

Do you want to get rid of annoying midges flying out of the pot with your ficus in a frisky flock? Then a fiery salute, comrade indoor florist tired of uninvited guests! Today is on the agenda - I'll tell you right away, bad news.

The appearance of midges as a harbinger of plant problems

The culprit for the emergence of potted midges was not "soil contamination". And your wrong care of flowers. You mercilessly overflow your plants.

Midges can get into the house from anywhere. This is fine. Even the spider mite is always invisible and in small numbers, but it is present on our flowers. This is also normal.

And such an invasion is no longer normal
And such an invasion is no longer normal

But when favorable conditions develop (dry air - for a tick, hopelessly wet soil - for midges), the number of pests increases exponentially and finally becomes noticeable US.

The mosquito has no interest to just pick up and climb into the flower pot. It is much easier for her to sit on an apple in a fruit bowl. Until the roots begin to rot in the bowels of the pot.

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I emphasize: if there are midges in the pot, the roots there ALREADY rot and strongly. And the products of the process - organic residues - attract insects.

By themselves, midges are safe for plants. Their larvae are said to gnaw at the roots, but this damage is minimal compared to watering the citizens who have taken the situation to the extreme.

What to do if midges appear in the pot

Do not forget that with the onset of winter, all plants need less watering.
Do not forget that with the onset of winter, all plants need less watering.

Stop fighting the flying consequences and solve the primary problem - excess watering. Don't look for "how to get midges out of the pot". Seek - "How to Save a Flooded Plant". The midges cause discomfort only to you, while the flower is on the brink of survival.

  • Take your transfer right away. It will give the plant a new, not yet sour soil. And you can see if the roots are rotten.
  • If you find damaged roots, then they must be cut off. And soak the entire root system for 30 minutes in an antifungal solution. I am using Fundazol. For lack of it, you can do with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.
The spoiled roots are soft and dark. They shouldn't be
The spoiled roots are soft and dark. They shouldn't be
  • Don't forget the drainage and drainage holes. They remove excess moisture.
  • Find a pot so that an earthen ball or remaining roots can barely fit into it. Leaving very little room for new soil.
  • Add something to the new soil to make it loose. For example, sand or perlite.

The last 3 points are required for plants whose roots have already seriously deteriorated.

Now return the pot to its original place and reconsider your attitude to watering. Water with less water than before; be sure to wait for the top layer of the earth to dry out. Do not pour from the heart, so that the water flows out from below. More often the top layer was loosened so that there was normal ventilation.

About means for fighting midges

Out of respect for flowers, I will not write how to drive out midges with special preparations. Because it is easy to drive away pests with chemistry, but if watering is not established, the problem will return again. While the grower diligently spills the soil with "Aktara", the torment of the plant does not stop.

Note to a friend: Just don't stick matches in the pot. Look on the Internet for what a sulfur burn of leaves looks like. In general, a pot is such a thing in which you do not need to shove anything superfluous.

Today I will not even ask you to put "Thumbs up". Because the audience only accepts advice "immediate result - minimum effort", and everything that requires work is perceived with hostility.

I could write how good it is to put tangerine skin in a pot, pin it down with a match, and pour peroxide over the whole thing. But I won't. If after reading at least one person thinks, "Maybe I actually did something wrong?", Then that's enough for me.

Best regards, Fyodor Tyapkin-Sklyankin, who is sad about something.

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