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What's wrong with the banana peel: the pitfalls of the "folk" feeding, which I would not wish on any plant

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What's wrong with the banana peel: the pitfalls of the " folk" feeding, which I would not wish on any plant

Want to know about banana peel fertilization on the other side? Then a fiery fireworks, comrade indoor florist! Today on the agenda are the cons of banana dressing in all variations: infusion, grinding, buried pieces. Let me be a banana prosecutor for a bit!

Banana peel and potassium

To begin with, I want to figure out where the fashion came from to use exotic food waste as a top dressing for indoor plants. Opening a thick folder and taking the first sheet, I read.

Enterprising citizens threw a duck on the Internet about the benefits of potassium contained in bananas for home flowers. And the stars converged: after all, there is another category of citizens who consider the purchase of true mineral fertilizers (yes, the same "chemistry"!) Not only as unnecessary body movement, but even kind of shameful.

The summer resident puts a banana peel in a planter for the weeds. And it would be worth going to the trash can!
The summer resident puts a banana peel in a planter for the weeds. And it would be worth going to the trash can!
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But both the first and the second have something in common - a violation of cause-and-effect relationships. Is potassium good for plants? Yes. Does banana peel give potassium to flowers? The cat cried!

How banana peels fertilize flowers

Now it's time to call a witness. A rumpled man with glasses like a botanist and a thick book on, oddly enough, botany, explains the mechanism of plant nutrition.

Plants assimilate only minerals from the soil. More precisely, their solution. The very same "chemistry" - this is all the same minerals in the most accessible form for flowers.

Look: organic residues are converted into nitrates, and only then are absorbed by the plant. A picture for the 6th grade, which, as it were, hints
Look: organic residues are converted into nitrates, and only then are absorbed by the plant. A picture for the 6th grade, which, as it were, hints

Banana peels are organic. Before it turns into minerals that plants assimilate, organics must be processed by soil microorganisms.. Not only will it take time. So also the composition of the final result is unknown. As a rule, bacteria and fungi process everything into nitrogen. It is for this reason that plants of organic fans often "fatten".

The nerdy man exclaims in despair:

- What does the banana have to do with it! - the witness in the heat of the moment pulls off his glasses. - If you bury potato peelings in a pot, the result will be about the same! What is one thing - organic, what - another!

And then, having calmed down a little, he adds:

- In the same purifications, there is also enough potassium. And in parsley - 2 times more than in bananas... But no one bury it ...

It seems to me that if you open the food composition table and see with your own eyes that a banana is average in terms of potassium content, then you will understand everything. Its benefits for indoor plants is a hyped and exaggerated myth.

A plucked out fact, which in practice does not mean anything. I wrote it down: it gives some kind of nutrition, but with an unpredictable composition. Any food waste will be processed from organic matter into minerals in the same way.

Banana peel harm

Fertilizing a person who has too much free time
Fertilizing a person who has too much free time

I realized that I was on the right track and began to unravel the tangle of misinformation. On the Internet, I read that bananas themselves are processed for storage... chemicals (bingo!), so the fighters for the sustainability of peel feeding are actually not in the most advantageous position.

But this fact can also be called far-fetched. Another thing is not questioned:

  • In unfavorable conditions, too many minerals are released from organic matter. The result is a destructive excess. Remember, yes, how you can burn plantings in the country with manure? A banana is not capable of such things, but it is quite possible to introduce an imbalance due to which the plant fattens or the leaves deteriorate.
  • Over-heating organic residues in a pot are an invitation card for soil gnats. They do not cause serious harm, but the very fact of their appearance triggers a chain reaction. The unfortunate florist begins to stick matches into the pot, and the plants... ta-dam... get a sulfur burn.

Now, I think it's time to give the floor to the lawyer and start the debate.

Why Pros Are Not Arguments

A banana peel lover's pot looks something like this
A banana peel lover's pot looks something like this

Raisa Ivanovna came to defend the honor of the banana peels. She sees no reason to buy ready-made fertilizer and believes almost everything that is written on the Internet.

  • "My flowers really like it"

In fact, banana peels can provide adequate nutrition to plants. If the stars converge, and a successful harmony will reign in the pot, tied to the work of soil microorganisms. But in any case, Raisa Ivanovna does not know what elements her flowers receive.

  • "Women's happiness bloomed thanks to a banana"

Any plant can bloom. And no banana, and no "chemistry". If Raisa Ivanovna took 2 absolutely identical spathiphyllums and conducted an experiment, feeding one with a banana and nothing feeding the second, and over and over again would get flowering only on the banana "Women's happiness", the benefits of the peels would be obvious.

Fun fact: banana peels are not used by flower growers. They only use chemical fertilizers. Why do you think?
Fun fact: banana peels are not used by flower growers. They only use chemical fertilizers. Why do you think?

In the meantime - again, incorrectly built logic. Most likely, there is no banana merit. But people like to prescribe magical properties to ordinary things.

  • "I don't need to buy fertilizers"

But this is very in vain, Raisa Ivanovna. Relying on the miraculous properties of a banana, you can bring the flowers to exhaustion.

After weighing all of the above

I've never seen anything like this: it's hard not to burst out laughing
I've never seen anything like this: it's hard not to burst out laughing

Well, gentlemen of the jury. Let's summarize.

  • The benefits of "chemistry" have been scientifically proven, banana peels - never.
  • Chemistry gives plants a strict list of substances. It is impossible to calculate what and how much a banana gives in each specific situation.
  • Chemistry works quickly. The peels are very slow.
  • Chemistry is safe when used according to instructions. Banana feeding can (not necessarily, but it can!) Be harmful.
  • A bottle of chemistry for 100 rubles is enough for six months, and using it is easy. Bananas need to be picked, cut, dried, infused, etc. what else are they doing with them? Have mercy on your time.

Personally, everything is clear to me, and you - draw your own conclusions. I let Raisa Ivanovna go with a pure soul, giving her a farewell packet of Agricola. The meeting is over!

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