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Chinese lunar rover "Yuytu-2" revealed the secret of the "Mysterious House"

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More recently, another batch of photographs of the far side of the Moon, sent to Earth by the Chinese lunar rover "Yuytu-2", literally stirred up the Internet.

Indeed, one of the photographs captured a rather strange object, which was named "Mysterious House". Scientists decided to investigate this object and now we can say that the mystery of the "Mystery House" has been solved.

The " Mystery House" turned out to be an ordinary piece of moon rock, which is now called the " Jade Rabbit"
The "Mystery House" turned out to be an ordinary piece of moon rock, which is now called the "Jade Rabbit"
The "Mystery House" turned out to be an ordinary piece of moon rock, which is now called the "Jade Rabbit"

What turned out to be "Mysterious House"

The engineers of the Yuytu-2 mission calculated a new route, taking into account the terrain features, as well as the safety of the lunar rover, and sent the lunar rover to the object.

Note. The spacecraft "Yuytu-2" was landed in the area of ​​the Von Karman crater back in 2019 during the implementation of the "Chang'e-4" mission. And in fact, it was the Chinese lunar rover that became the first lunar rover in history to conduct its active scientific work on the far side of the moon. And it has already brought significant benefits. Thus, in particular, important data were obtained on the composition of the lunar mantle.

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And now, after a while, namely on December 27, 2021, the Yuytu-2 lunar rover nevertheless reached the Mysterious House. So it turned out that this is just a lunar rock, which lies neatly on the edge of a small impact crater.

It turns out that there will be no sensation, and all those who believed that the "Mystery House" is an artifact of extraterrestrial civilizations will be greatly disappointed.

The Chinese experts explained the initial uncommonness of the "Mystery House" simply by the shooting angle and the play of light. The stone, by the way, has been renamed, and now it is called "The Jade Rabbit".

The same "Mysterious House" that so excited the imagination of some people
The same "Mysterious House" that so excited the imagination of some people

Well, the next "sensation" got a simple and banal explanation. But, despite the fact that all lovers of conspiracy theories and extraterrestrial civilizations are now terribly disappointed, I can only rejoice that the study is so called the dark side of the moon continues and it is likely that ahead of the Chinese lunar rover "Yuytu-2" there are many really important for science discoveries.

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