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Useful stuff on Joom

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This time we will offer you a real hodgepodge of useful things that the Chinese e-commerce platform Joom offers. All the things that we will describe in today's material are very heterogeneous. The only thing that unites them is their cheapness and undoubted utility. By the New Year, you can easily please yourself with such inexpensive acquisitions.

Miniature vise for the DIYer

Useful stuff on Joom

This miniature vise is attractive because any artisan can take it with him so that he can have it close at hand almost everywhere. Since an aluminum alloy is used for the manufacture of this tool, it weighs very little, therefore, it is completely easy to carry.

Useful stuff on Joom

The price of this device is not at all burdensome. This material was prepared at the time when the promotion was carried out on Joom, and the price at that time was 325 rubles. Without promotional discounts, the cost of the instrument is 664 rubles.

We also paid attention to the reviews of those who have already purchased this vice. For some, the diminutiveness of the device caused some surprise, but all the purchasers unanimously declare that they do not regret having acquired such a tool.

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Mini greenhouse is a real find for summer residents

Not so long ago, for our summer residents and lovers of planting home plants, we published article about phytolamps. In it, we touched upon the issue of the convenience of mini-greenhouses, in which ideal conditions can be created for growing various plants, including seedlings. Today such a mini-greenhouse caught my eye on the website, and I decided to tell you a little more about it.

The mini-greenhouse is shipped disassembled. It is very easy to assemble it, and you can do this by creating a structure of such a size that is suitable for your apartment.

A translucent cover is supplied with the product, which guarantees full illumination of the plants contained in the greenhouse, as well as the creation and maintenance of the necessary microclimate inside it. The cover has a fastening system that ensures its secure fixation to the supporting structure. The seller indicates that if the cover is damaged, it can be ordered separately.

The cost of a mini-greenhouse in the kit is 1600 rubles. If you are lucky, then during the promotional period you can purchase it for 750 rubles.

Security sensors for your home

We are talking about sensors, or rather local sirens, for a window and for a door.

Window safety sensor

Safety sensor for installation on a window, made of white plastic, thanks to which its presence does not spoil the design of the window structure. It consists of two elements, one of which is installed on the sash, and the second on the frame.

The device is powered by three LR44 batteries and has a switch. When the switch is on, opening the window is accompanied by the release of a loud, piercing sound that can scare off any intruder who wants to do his dirty business in silence.

Fastening the sensor components to the window structure is very simple and without damaging it. This is done using the tape or glue supplied with the sensor.

The cost of the window sensor is only 150 rubles. During the promotional period, it can be purchased for 103 rubles.

Security sensor for door

This sensor is shaped like a pedal that is inserted under the door.

When an attempt is made to open the door, the door leaf presses on the upper plane of the sensor, the contacts are closed, and a piercing and loud sound signal is heard. To prevent the device from moving when a door leaf hits it, a special non-slip material is fixed on its sole.

The dimensions of the sensor are quite small, but, according to people who have already managed to purchase it, the device is very effective and it is able to scare off potential burglars.

The cost of the device is 1,300 rubles, and during promotions it is reduced to only 262 rubles.

According to the developers of the sensors described above, their joint use can provide a fairly high level of security.

Reinforced suction cup hook

A suction cup is a very convenient thing. There is no need to suffer and mutilate the walls to hang it. But personally, I have almost no faith in it: it hurts too quickly such things fall off and hold almost nothing. However, the Joom suction cup hook really interested me for its reliability and efficiency.

Of course, in the photo everything looks very seductive and attractive. Of course, with our heads, each of us understands that something else can be done for advertising. I was convinced by the assessments of those who had already managed to acquire these hooks on the suction cups. According to them - and it is impossible to fake reviews on Joom - the suction cup just grows tight, even if you suddenly start pouring water on it.

Personally, I was very tempted by this contraption. And it costs quite inexpensively: only 215 rubles.

A source

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