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I saw from a friend a useful homemade product from a syringe and an old drill for a perforator. Came home and made myself the same

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Hammer drills and quality drills are usually made of high speed steel alloyed with molybdenum, tungsten and other metals that increase the strength and wear resistance of the steel. But even the most high-quality and expensive drill becomes unusable over the years, becomes dull or breaks off.

One of the ways to give a second life to such a device is to turn it into a necessary thing in the household, as my friend did. Let's turn the hammer drill into an awl, which should always be at hand. You can make it using plastic parts from a disposable medical syringe.

Metal drill processing

The working part of the drill or drill must be carefully sharpened on a grinding machine. To do this, fix the drill in the drill, turn it on, and bring the edge of the drill to the moving grindstone. The drill will ensure uniform turning of the drill on all sides. When working with the device, take care to protect your hands and eyes from damage, because during the abrasive processing of metals, metal chips and scale are formed. To sharpen the drill, hold the drill at a slight angle to the surface of the grinding blade. An angle of 5-7 ° will ensure the removal of metal from the side surfaces of the drill and giving the desired shape.

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I saw from a friend a useful homemade product from a syringe and an old drill for a perforator. Came home and made myself the same

When the needle is thin and sharp enough, sand it with fine sandpaper to give the metal a perfect smooth surface. To check how smooth the surface is, pierce a thin synthetic or cotton fabric with an awl. If the needle meets resistance, then the drill still needs to be polished.

The working end of the awl should be 3-4 cm long, this length will allow you to successfully pierce dense materials large thickness, and the needle itself will have a high strength factor and not bend under excessive pressure.

Making a plastic case

A body will come out of a disposable syringe with a volume of 2.5 ml, which improves the dynamic performance of the awl when pressed and protects hands from damage.

To do this, we release the syringe from the needle and the inner piston, put it on the thick end of the drill. The total length of the structure will allow you to safely trim the tip for putting on the needle, and then put the plastic cylinder on the drill until it stops. Now the awl has a handle that will not allow the awl to slip out of your hands and will allow you to apply more force when piercing holes.

The protective plastic tip for the needle must be put on the sharp end of the awl. So it will be safely stored and will not lead to accidental injury if carelessly touched.

A do-it-yourself awl made from a drill that has lost its functionality will help you make holes in leather, eco-leather, cardboard, plastic, multilayer paper, wood and other materials. With it, you can easily make an additional hole in the belt or stitch leather shoes. You can't do without such a tool when stapling papers.

An old drill from a perforator can bring many more benefits if you give it a second chance by making an awl with excellent strength and durability.

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