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How to plant zucchini and pumpkin seeds correctly: with a sharp or blunt side, or maybe better on an edge?

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How to plant zucchini and pumpkin seeds correctly: with a sharp or blunt side, or maybe better on an edge?

Even experienced gardeners, in most cases, did not ask themselves which side to sow zucchini and pumpkin seeds correctly.

These vegetable crops are often planted directly in open ground. In this case, the seeds are placed in the hole as you like. In fact, location plays a rather important role.

First you need to understand that the root part is located on the side of the sharp spout. Accordingly, the sprout hatches from the sharp side.

In this regard, experts recommend planting zucchini seeds in the soil with a pointed nose. In this case, you need to slightly press them into the ground.

With this planting, it will be much easier for the plant to take root, so the process will happen much earlier. So, in a few days after sowing, the first shoots can be expected.

Do not be upset if the seeds were planted in a different way. In most cases, they will still germinate, however, this will happen a little later.

In order to speed up the process, it is necessary to provide the plant with systematic watering in sufficient volume. However, excessive excess moisture can cause the seeds to simply rot in the ground.

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It is also necessary to carry out the following activities:
After sowing, the soil should be insulated. For this purpose, you can use film shelters, a special material.

If you want to save money, you can cut off the necks of plastic bottles and put them upside down over each well.

You should also pay attention to the density of the soil. If it is loam, then you need to sprinkle quite a bit, otherwise it will be difficult for the sprout to break through to the surface.

With light soil, the seeds are sprinkled with a layer of 5-7 cm.
Subject to all the rules and recommendations, getting a good crop of zucchini will not be difficult at all.

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