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What kind of sport slows down the aging process according to scientists.

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What kind of sport slows down the aging process according to scientists.

People begin to think about all the benefits of youth at the moment when they notice the first wrinkles and gray hair in their own mirror image.

It is at this time that most people begin to think about how to slow down the aging process.

There are many methods, but not all of them are able to give a really good effect. Expensive procedures can also afford not everyone.

Reasons for aging
Aging in each person begins at a different age. Most often, this range falls on 45-50 years. First of all, this is manifested by physiological changes.

But at the same time, the appearance, condition of the skin and hair is greatly influenced by the genetic factor, lifestyle, and the presence of chronic diseases.

How to slow down the aging process?
The most affordable and rational ways to slow down the aging process are: proper nutrition, sufficient physical activity, as well as reducing the number of stressful situations.

In fact, it's better to quit a high-paying but stressful job than walk into your 40s with a bunch of chronic ailments.

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Another effective option is regular exercise. British scientists managed to prove that it is cycling that fights the aging process best of all.

It is noteworthy that this sport can be called publicly available both for residents of large cities and for rural areas. You can combine business with pleasure: ride a bike to work, improve the condition of the body and save on travel and gasoline.

Cycling activates the thymus gland. It is she who is responsible for the formation of immune cells. The immune system is known to be a reliable protector of health.

Regular cycling not only slows down aging, but also keeps your figure in shape. You can go to work, or just arrange a bike ride in the park.

If for some reason cycling is not suitable, it can be replaced by running or swimming, which have an identical effect on the human body.

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