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Do not wait for signs of tomato disease. Start processing them now.

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Do not wait for signs of tomato disease. Start processing them now.

In the first weeks of summer, tomatoes are not yet affected by late blight. But gardeners should not relax, because in the near future this insidious disease will definitely make itself felt.

It is not recommended to wait for the first symptoms to appear, but to start fighting even at a time when the tomatoes are absolutely healthy. You can cope with phytophthora without the involvement of chemicals.

Folk remedies are at hand in every home. They differ not only in ease of use, but also in low cost. For processing, it is necessary to prepare a solution according to the following recipe:

Pour 2 liters of water at room temperature into a spray bottle.
Add two tablets of metronidazole there.
Zelenka 10 ml.
Any fermented milk product in the amount of 200 ml.

All ingredients must be thoroughly mixed with each other, and then treated with the resulting solution. You need to spray the stems and leaves.

It is noteworthy that the same composition is suitable for processing cucumbers, eggplants and peppers.
Such a solution is a prophylactic against phytophthora, fungus and rot.

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Even if at the time of spraying there are no symptoms of ailments, the appearance of the plants improves significantly. Do not be afraid of the intense green shade of the tops, as it is given by brilliant green.

As a result of this treatment, late blight on tomatoes and other cultivated plants can be forgotten forever.

Important point! The last treatment with a product containing metronidazole must be carried out no later than 2 weeks before the expected harvest.

Eating processed fruits can be unsafe. In 14 days, its effect will pass. For prevention, treatment should be carried out from the first days of summer, with an interval of 2 weeks.

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