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How to help Ficus survive the winter? Grow healthy plants without the hassle

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You want to grow beautiful and strong ficus? In winter, the plants are attenuated, lose their decorative appearance due to low humidity, cold, temperature changes and a lack of light. And because of the slightest stress they begin to drop leaves.

Ficus - originally a tropical plant, because the main requirement for it - it's warm! Optimum winter temperature + 20 ° C (at least + 15 ° C).

Here I will explain in detail how to take care of the ficus, that he felt comfortable in the winter.

1. Cold - the main enemy of ficus

If the plant is standing at the window, on the window sill or in the open window, then land in the pot is cold, and as a result - ill roots, rot, are freezing. You can not leave the plant in the draft, in their education need to push away the plant.

To protect the root system can be a stand of foam or felt, and sides of the pot wrap with warm cloth. The pot must be chosen with good heat insulation properties, for example, of plastic. Ceramics and glass are not suitable.

Important! The plant is reported that he was cold when dropped, and the leaf roll!
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2. Daylight hours

Round Ficus need light for at least 8-10 hours per day. During the summer, the plant feels comfortable at the window with diffused light.

In autumn and winter is better to move the flower on the bright place, and in the evenings include a special lamp.

With a lack of light leaves can fade, change color, stretch, and warp.

3. Watering

Watering plants need water at room temperature or slightly warm, cold is contraindicated! It is better to collect water in advance and allow to stand it for a day!

In winter, watering should be less frequent than in the summer. Lot wait complete drying is not necessary, it is sufficient to top layer has dried.

4. Air

In winter, the problem arises of dry air. In the apartments, the figure is 30-40%. In view of this the plant can curl leaves, dry spots appear on the sides.

For ficus favorable humidified air. The optimum moisture content of about 60%. You can wipe the leaves with a damp sponge, spray, put a small shower.

Next to the pot, you can put a container with water or impose its wet moss.

5. Fertilizing and forming crowns

In winter, Ficus do not need fertilizing, due to lack of heat and light it will not go in his favor.

You can gently form the crown of the plant. To do this, delete all damaged leaves and branches.

If all the fallen leaves and the root system is OK, then in the near future there will be new shoots, the plant will enter into force and become lush.

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