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Celandine and its use in the garden

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Almost every garden you can find a plant as "celandine". Medicinal plant, but in the areas it is considered a weed and mercilessly rips. No need to hurry with this.

Celandine can be of great benefit in the garden, which many were not even aware, greatly help in the fight for the harvest

· If you look at the place where it grows celandine, you will notice that no weeds around it simply displaces them. Therefore, if celandine already pulled out, it can be crushed and mixed with the soil.

Weeds do not like his neighborhood. And this is where they will be much less.

· Celandine is indispensable in the fight against pests. From it is prepared infusion for spraying plants from aphids. Just dried branches celandine, scattered across the garden, will scare away small rodents.

· If the soil is something infected or sick, and that's where I want to put something dear heart, then season to this place you need to plant celandine. The soil is decontaminated, and the plant is protected from diseases.

· Very useful before planting bulbous plants, bulbs stand in the infusion of celandine. The plant will be protected from diseases and damage by rodents, throughout the season.

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When celandine is used to spray the plants in the control of aphids, the aphid disappears instantly. You can say- "it pours" off the bushes. And after processing a very long time it does not appear again.

To prepare a tincture will need to grind 5 large bushes and pour a bucket of water. After one day, you can spray the affected plants by aphids.

If you want your garden to have the most lush gladiolus, we can again turn to celandine. These flowers are sprayed 4 times per season celandine extract, as well as a mulch in the ground for gladiolus.

Infusion for gladioli not need to make in large quantities. 30g of dried plant pour 2mya liters of warm water. After 2 days, the infusion is ready.

Celandine helps expel from the garden not only aphids. A plurality pests can not tolerate it.

Using a spray can get rid of these insects:

· Flea excavation;

· Mol;

· Sawyers;

· Wireworms;

· Cabbage fly;

· Sucker.

When working with celandine, we should not forget that this plant is also poisonous. Therefore it is necessary to observe all safety precautions. Be sure to use gloves and avoid contact with the juice on exposed skin.

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