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Why yellow Thuja and what to do about it?

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Some gardeners notice that their arborvitae takes a different color. For example, it begins to turn yellow or Buret. After that, the tree withers, sheds its needles, and eventually dies.

But, what is the reason for the change in the plant? And what do to do to the tree came to life? Understand this will help this article.

Why yellow Thuja?

1. One of the causes of yellowing of arborvitae is sunburn, which appears at the beginning of spring. We can say that the most common reason.

In early spring, the snow still lay thick and the sun, each time getting more warm.

Since the rays are reflected from the snow, it reinforces their action. Thuja after the winter is very mild, very sensitive, she easily gets sunburn.

2. Since conifers is very susceptible to various fungal diseases, Thuja can easily get sick.

3. Aphid. Occurrence of these unpleasant things can also cause yellowing. These insects affect the whole plant than do huge harm.

4. If you choose the wrong planting depth, arborvitae will start to turn yellow, and it will start to fall off the needles.

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5. Improper care of the plant. For example, excessive or conversely, lack of watering.

6. Nutritional deficiencies. For example, if the plant is not sufficient nitrogen or potassium, iron, copper, manganese, thuja begin to turn yellow.

7. The cause of the yellowing of arborvitae can be animal feces (regular).

What to do?

If the problem is sunburn, thuja should hide or kraft paper or agrovoloknom. It must be done as early as February.

Since most often the cause of yellowing arborvitae is improper care, this article contains advice on how to avoid it.

· Tui loves moisture in the soil, but can not stand to fluid retention. Therefore, it is advisable to water the plants once a week, and during hot periods - twice a week.

But after landing, during the first month, fifth should be watered every day.

Thus it is desirable to use a bucket of water for one fifth, and conduct mulching around-trunk circle.

· There should be a moderate feeding. For example, if you put the fertilizer in the planting time, then the next feeding is necessary to carry out in two years.

· Tuya will perfectly grow on drained soil with turf ground, peat and sand.

· Tui root collar should be at ground level, it should not be deepened.

· Since arborvitae loves light, the plant should be planted in open areas. However, after landing the first time need to pritenyat plants.

· From time to time to carry out preventive measures against diseases and pests. If it has caught up with your plant, you should make the necessary arrangements for the treatment of arborvitae.

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