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Murayya: useful properties and contraindications

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Features, benefits and harms murayi - the information needed to study before using the herb. Useful properties of the plant are used to prepare various dishes, in cosmetic procedures and the methods of traditional medicine.

Exotic wood from the Far East is known for its beauty and healing properties. In ancient times believed that the scent of spicy murayi improves health and longevity. Easy maintenance shrub is gaining popularity among the supporters of a healthy lifestyle.

Description murayi

Murayya - useful undersized evergreen shrub, which grows in tropical and sub-tropical forests. Murayya used as ornamental shrubs to decorate suburban areas. Some species are grown in the home. Externally room varieties resemble bonsai.

Crohn's furry tree, branches spreading. Height at home one and a half meters. Along the barrel arranged elongated, thin branches. The old branches of young shoots characterized by a lack of fine lint. Pinnate leaves are extended to 9 cm in width and 7 cm. On the twig grows on 5 - 7 oval leaves.

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Branches resemble myrtle. Flowers small to 2 cm in diameter, white color similar to jasmine. The plant exudes a pleasant, citrusy scent with notes of jasmine. During and after flowering ripen useful fruit. At the beginning of orange berries, then turn red. The berries can be eaten. Fruits contain seeds and have a citrus odor.

A warning! Seeds of some species are harmful to humans.

types murayi

There are about 10 species murayi. Minute-to-minute - useful ornamental plant that has no seeds, height just above the dwarf varieties. Meets Dutch murayya - paniculata species brought from the country of the same name.

There are three main varieties for home detention:

  • Paniculate;
  • Dwarf;
  • Koenig.

Common type - paniculate. Is fast growth, a fluffy bright leaves crown and a length of 15 cm. Flowering begins no earlier than 5 - 8 years after planting. The buds are small, white, corymbose. Red berries ripen after pollination. Movement has citrus jasmine fragrance. There are several varieties of paniculate height of 15, 60 and 100 cm.

dwarf murayya - the most popular variety. The height of the bush about 60 cm. Blooms up to six months, the buds are constantly updated. Useful fruit ripen in two - three months.

Murayya Koenig - kind of long pinnate leaves, tapering to an end. Useful leaves are used as a seasoning for cooking. Flowers creamy, ripe fruit reminiscent chernoplodki, black. Koenig bones are poisonous, so it is advisable to be wary of the fruit bushes. Eating seeds is harmful to health.

The chemical composition of murayi 

The mineral colors murayi contains volatile, has a soothing properties, a beneficial effect on cardiac activity, sleep.

Tip! For relaxation recommend aromatherapy oil murayi.

The use of leaf bush consisting of glycoside hesperidin and other substances, is shown in a positive effect on the capillaries.

Berries are also useful plants include vitamins, antioxidants, anti-aging and skin fading. Fruits contain potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium and iron. Most of the fruit consists of water.

See also:Melissa: useful properties and contraindications
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