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10 important tips for growing honeysuckle

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1. Choose the most suitable grade. To obtain a high yield, it is necessary to buy high-yielding varieties. What falls choice, it's up to you.

It all depends on what kind of taste preferences, which will use the harvest.

If honeysuckle need for fresh consumption, the best varieties for this purpose - the Amazon, Nina, Elizabeth. If frozen or processed - better take Lenitu, blue spindle.

2. Conduct land honeysuckle stands on fertile soil and breathable.

3. Pick up the correct place to grow. Firstly, it should be in an open sunny site. Second, the plants should be well protected from the winds.

4. Provide better pollination. If it is not, honeysuckle not please you with high yield.

For example, not enough to put only two or three bush. We need more plants to self-pollinate them.

Also, plant honeysuckle small group close to each other. Then, bumblebees and bees will be your permanent guests.

5. We can not allow the tree crown has thickened.

6. Watering. It is important to carefully apply to the plant during the period of maturation and ripening of the fruit. This period covers the May-June. During this time, it should be held about six irrigations.

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On every bush honeysuckle need to take four or five buckets of water. After watering will be made, you need to spend mulching the ground under bushes.

Remember that in hot weather, watering should be increased.

7. Fertilizers. Try to make regular fertilizing. To this end, suitable organic fertilizers. What exactly, you choose.

In order to increase the productivity of the plant, you need to fertilize in spring and autumn.

8. Trimming. It should be done in early spring or late autumn. It is important to remove all the broken and dead branches, trim the shoots that have no fruit, cut branches from the lower tier, and some basic.

Remember! Pruning should be done after eight years of cultivation.

9. When the pests immediately make the processing. They significantly reduce the yield of honeysuckle. In addition, the uninvited visitors plants - birds. Therefore, be sure to make some sort of protective covering material.

10. Try every day to collect the fruit, and then the honeysuckle will enjoy a good harvest.

Carrying out these simple rules, growing honeysuckle will bring you only pleasure.

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