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Top 5 Reasons why watermelons grow in the country are small and not sweet

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Grow lush and sweet watermelon in the garden - it is a reality! Simply observe basic rules of selecting varieties, planting the seed space, flavor timely soil, to implement the recommendations on forming and irrigation, and ripe fruit will not take long wait.

But novice gardeners often ignore such advice from experienced truckers, wondering why watermelons in the country are growing smaller and savory.

The reasons for this may be many, but we will look at the most common ones.

The causes of low-quality crop and workarounds

The first few tries to flavor the soil before planting watermelon seeds. Prepare the soil need about a year before the expected landing time.

Suitable for growing watermelons sandy soils.

The main mistake lies in the fact that many gardeners are wrong, believing that a simple black soil suitable for growing melons, a primer should be mixed with sand.

For other reasons as to why the country grow small and sweet watermelons should include:

· Incorrectly selected grade. Many gardeners are conducted on a beautiful picture from the Internet or packages of seeds, planting materials taking.

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Here you need to understand that not every variety is suitable for cultivation in the mid-latitudes. The best choice could be such varieties as Borisfen, Borchansky, Sea, Obriy etc.

Should give preference to the early grades, giving ripe fruit weighing not more than 3 kg.

· Improperly prepared planting hole. You can not just dig a hole in the ground and stick Cleckley to watermelon seedlings.

Watermelons love the sandy and loamy soils, the roots of adult plants can reach 1.5 meters, so it is important that the soil was loose and easy.

· Incorrectly chosen landing site, for example, in the shade or northern valley slope. Melons rather thermophilic, it is best to select an open, airy and warm place for watermelon beds.

· Late seeding (June)That, logically, in yul will gardener tasteless small fruits. It is necessary to be attentive to the calculation of deadlines.

The optimal time period is from mid-July to mid-August.

It remains to calculate the growing season and enjoy delicious watermelons.

The cause of the fineness and maturity of watermelons can also become a wild melon field (it is important to do regular molding and pinched plants) and irregular watering with cold water. It should also take care of the "wealth" of the soil, fertilizing it regularly.

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