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Common tomato diseases and methods of treatment

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Or grow tomatoes in the garden or in greenhouses, it is not difficult. But, like any other plant, tomatoes prone to various diseases, and that they will bring you a lot of trouble.

It is desirable to deal with major diseases that can affect a plant, as well as to find out how it can be cured. This article will help you with this.

common diseases

Late blight

With this disease know all gardeners. Is not it? It's no secret that the treatment of such disease will give a positive result, but only in the early stages of injury.

Therefore it is impossible to miss the moment when late blight is not a sentence for tomatoes.

It is important to detect the first symptoms appear spots on the leaves, which in a few days it goes tomato shoots.

By their fruits, you can also determine whether a plant is infected with late blight. If this is the case, then there will be damage on tomatoes, namely burns (light or dark gray spots with a touch).

Method of treatment: means "Barrier", "Barrier". Take ten liters of water, it is important that it is about thirty degrees. Dilute in water eight grams of the drug.

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Once the tool is completely dissolved, begin to spray tomatoes.


In another way a disease is called a bit easier - brown spot. Cladosporium treatment is carried out only with fungicides.

What is interesting, brown patch may develop even in the most favorable conditions, and it does not depend on humidity.

Symptoms of the disease: the leaves are brown spots hit, and then begin to move to the whole plant. Subsequently, the plant dies.

method of treatment: In the greenhouse - at the first appearance Cladosporium is necessary to lower the temperature, namely to conduct night airing.

On the open ground it is different - it is necessary to reduce the watering, or vice versa, to conduct irrigation well-heated water.

It is also very important to remove the affected leaves and spend treatment drugs that contain copper.


The hallmark of this disease - withering bush. This disease is very alarming those who keep a vegetable garden, because its symptoms can announce for only one night.

It's very fast start, and when viewed from the plants inside the stem, you will see nothing. There will gather the liquid. Internal tissues of tomato stem will have a little brown.

This disease is bacterial diseases can not be cured!

All plants of tomatoes, which struck the disease, must be destroyed immediately. Neighboring plants should be watered with a solution of Fitolavina.

And that's not all. In fact, diseases that can affect tomatoes very much. Therefore, try to learn about them at least a little bit of information, so that later when viewed from the plant, the symptoms noted, and when to start treatment or prevention of the destruction and that the disease does not spread to other tomatoes.

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