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How to form and cut gooseberry right?

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To Gooseberry not turned into a thicket and good fruit must be cut.

In one season the bush is growing strongly, it prevents the penetration of light through the branches, so that the plants can get sick, his attack pests, and the berries will be fine.

Process of pruning gooseberry spring must be made according to certain rules.

Those or other actions in the first place depends on the age of the bush. Shoots first year of planting is cut at an angle 50 degrees above the fruit buds on 5 cm.

It is necessary to examine the bush and choose the sick and weak branches - they have to be removed, healthy shoots are cut to 3 or 4 buds, counting from the bottom of the plant.

Do not be afraid to cut young gooseberry, a feature of this plant is that it grows new shoots after pruning. Over the summer, he will escalate weight, get stronger, and it will develop a new root system.

Gooseberry bush on the second year of leave about 5 zero escapes, but they have to be perfectly healthy. Weakened branches not reached 20 cm, to be fully cut.

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This is an important factor, if not removed, they will pull the power on himself, taking his healthy shoots.

To branches of bushes, cut vertical and inclined branches to 30 cm from ground level. Shoots horizontally lying cut off without regret, and they are not subject to the garter.

In the third year, trimming process is similar to the previous year. 12 null shoots left. On the fourth and fifth year, respectively - 16, 20.

We gooseberry reached the five-year period begins the peak of productivity. You can count about 30 branches of different ages. During this period, you only need a rejuvenation of the bush, by removing all the thin branches.

Leaving only became strong basal shoots. The old bush is cut considerably - cut off all but five healthy and thick shoots.

If you take good care of a plant it is quickly restored after the upgrade. Cut branches is not necessary to throw, they can be left to reproduce.

Pruning is most often carried out in spring, but also it is very important, and in the fall before hibernation. It is necessary to thin out the bush in order to receive the fruits of sunshine in abundance, when they are big and sweet.

If you do not, you can expect the appearance of mildew. Preventive measures should be carried out regularly. To do this, you need to inspect the bush, if found diseased branches, shorten it.

In autumn cut adult runners (over 5 years) from the base of the bush. Do not be afraid, if he stays, "bald", in the spring all restored.

It is also worth to remove the young shoots on older branches, they still will not bring a great harvest, will only take power from the plant.

Running bush is considered if it does not cut the 2 consecutive years. In this case it looks excessively thick.

Resuscitation of the plant consists in the following actions:

1. Before the onset of the growing season (early spring) unproductive fodder cut off all branches, as well as the weak and the sick. You must leave up to 6 strongest annual branches.

2. If pruning autumn (until frost) - need to cut the oldest branches. Spring will grow new shoots.

3. All dry shoots should be removed.

Revives launched gooseberries for 2-3 years after the "intensive care."

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