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The benefits of honey and harm

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Honey - tasty and healthy product. It is often added to a variety of pastries, desserts and tea. There are many types of honey - buckwheat, lime, acacia, and the other, each with a different taste and properties.

The benefits of honey

The benefits of honey is well known for a long time - more than a thousand years. Now scientifically it is proven that honey has powerful antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties.

This is due to the composition of honey: it contains almost all known vitamins, micro and macro. In addition, it contains some substances that contribute to the regulation of the metabolism and help to fight various infections. Med shown for athletes convalescent patients, those whose profession associated with heavy physical exertion. But even healthy people honey would be useful - will help to raise the immune system and support the well-being and health.

It should be remembered that at high temperatures honey loses its beneficial properties. In order to get the maximum benefit, it must have in its natural form. If you want to add to a beverage, the water temperature should not exceed 40 degrees - at a higher nutrients are destroyed.

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honey harm

However, we must not forget that in some cases, honey can be harmful. First of all, it is not recommended to give honey to young children - up to two years. Later - only in small quantities. The fact that the body of children under 2 years are not able to digest this product.

Quite a significant number of people are allergic to honey is observed. Therefore, if you ever did not use honey, you should start with miniscule amounts - an allergic reaction can be very serious.

With caution should use honey for diabetics. On the possibility of taking honey in food is to consult with your doctor.

Highly undesirable eating honey on an empty stomach, despite the fact that it was to do so are advised fashion magazines. This is especially true for those who have problems with the digestive system - honey on an empty stomach can trigger heartburn, aggravation of diseases of the pancreas. But even if there are no problems with digestion, use of the product on an empty stomach should be avoided, since it causes a sharp rise in blood sugar, followed by an equally sharp drop his. As a result of somnolence. To avoid this problem, you can eat a little honey for breakfast.

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