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Paste: benefits and harms to health, with a step by step recipe photos

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Benefits and harms of pastes depends on the composition and method of preparation. For the first time a dish appeared in Russian cuisine of the XIV century. Then, it is made exclusively from natural products: fruits, berries and honey. Therefore, the properties that benefit man prevailed.

Now manufacturers often replace the major components for cheaper. For example, colorants are added, thickeners, flavors and preservatives, can bring more harm than good. To paste saturates the body with vitamins and minerals, it is better to cook it at home.

What is a paste and from which it is made

I paste - is a useful sweetness, mainly for its preparation using apples. In Russian Empire candy prepared predominantly from Antonov apples. They gave her a sour, making it a unique taste. Thanks to this particular dish has been popular in European countries.

Later in the sweetness began to add an egg white to bring lightness like a marshmallow. But with dessert experiments continued. Apples were gradually replaced by berries. For example, cranberry, raspberry puree or mountain ash.

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Tip! When a diet is recommended to use glue marshmallows. It has a low calorie and natural composition.

Today, varieties of goodies not count. It is made of:

  • fruit (Apples, pears, peaches, plums, apricots, etc...);
  • berries (Raspberry, strawberry, currant, t. D.).

The main puree can add sesame seeds, nuts or poppy seeds. They complement the dish a unique flavor and taste.

The chemical composition of pastes

Sweetness is a huge number of important elements:

  • vitamins (riboflavin and nicotinic acid);
  • proteins;
  • carbohydrates;
  • trace elements (zinc, iron, calcium, iodine, magnesium).

However, manufacturers often use flavorings, colorants, thickeners, preservatives different than can significantly harm the human health.

How many calories in fruit candy

Calorie sweetness depends on the composition. 100g contains from 300 to 360 Kcal.

The product is not a diet. Useful properties of pastes prevail before the high-calorie, which is not true of cakes and sweets.

The candy is useful for the organism

 Useful dessert should consist essentially of natural ingredients. If the dish is cooked on their own, then the damage to the body is reduced to a minimum. The exception may be people with individual intolerance to the components.

pastilles Benefits for women lies in the properties:

  • cleansing the body of toxins;
  • reduce cholesterol levels in the blood;
  • normalization of the intestinal microflora and the work of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • improve emotional state;
  • stave off hunger for a longer period.

See also:The bran useful for the body, calorie

Properties goodies beneficial effect on the nervous system. Women are much more prone to stress than men. Get rid of nervous tension helps natural sweetness.

Men are also useful dessert, zinc, which is in the composition, increases the potency. Sweetness activate neurons in the brain, improving the quality of mental and physical resistance.

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