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Care peonies in an open ground in the spring: watering, fertilizing and other important events

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Start caring for peonies should begin immediately after the snow melts. This will determine how beautifully and abundantly they will bloom in late spring. Consider all the activities that need to take place in the spring.

Removing the cover

The snow melts and the threat of further frost has passed, you can begin to take shelter.

It should be done carefully, because the young hatch shoots very delicate and fragile, can be damaged by awkward movements.

If the bushes were dry stems, they are cut shears, otherwise they will hinder the development of new branches. In addition, remove the plant debris around the plant, and then loosen the ground.


For further development of the plant to the roots must get a sufficient amount of moisture. This is especially true if the winter was snowy.

The first watering can be carried out by adding a small amount of water in the potassium permanganate.


When pions shoots reach 10-15 cm, produce urea fertilizer as follows:

· 40 grams of the substance;

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· Dissolved in 10 liters of water;

· Spill under every bush ⅓ volume of liquid.

After 2 weeks, the plants fed fertilizer complex once the composition.

The flower shop has a wide selection of dressings for ornamental flowering plants.

When fastened buds carried third fertilizer dissolved in 1 bucket of water the following components:

· 7 grams of ammonium nitrate;

· 5 grams potassium salt;

· 10 grams of superphosphate.

To feed bushes need to pay attention to the fact that the solution did not get to the ground of the pions. Shed manure in the pre-moistened ground.


When the peonies are growing too, stems, and flowers begin to grow shallow due to their competition for the area of ​​nutrition and sunlight. For this reason they are seated, dividing the bushes.

Spring - a good time for the procedure.

Transplant performed as follows:

· Old bush is removed from the ground, gently obkapyvaya it from all sides;

· Divide it into several parts, each delenki must be at least one sprout and roots;

· Pits dug, the bottom of which spread rotted manure or compost;

· Rhizomes delenok dusted with charcoal, and planted in the hole.

Landing is necessary abundantly pour water zamulchirovat peat or bark of trees.

Fighting against diseases and pests

If peonies grow in wet soil, or for the season falls a large amount of rainfall, they can marvel fungal diseases.

To prevent the development of pathogenic microorganisms, the bushes need to spray the copper-containing drugs three times in the spring. From rust peonies treated sulfur colloid.

Tender shoots and buds can feast on ants and beetles bronzoviki. To prevent the invasion, bushes sprayed with insecticide.

Thanks to the activities carried out in time, peonies bloom in late spring and bloom profusely for a month showy fragrant buds.

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