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Sweetened condensed milk: what is the use

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I think not in the child's world, who does not know and did not like condensed milk. And adults, condensed milk is not only used in the preparation of various confectionery masterpieces, but add it to coffee, dunk it in a cookie, and just put a spoon or even a couple, in the mouth. Tasty though.

Whether this delicious product is safe? How much can you eat it without harm to health. As the child's body belongs to him, we'll talk.

Quality product has two main components, the milk and sugar. The presence of additives in the milk, indicates a low quality product.

The product, according to doctors, is quite useful for the human body. But the product at the same time, must be of high quality and the rate of consumption should not be high. Suffice it to only a couple of spoonfuls a day.

Quite a high protein content, has a beneficial effect on muscle tissue.

Calcium helps to strengthen bones.

Condensed milk and useful for strengthening immunity.

The most interesting is that the digest condensed milk, much faster than normal milk.

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Pregnant women, condensed milk is recommended for use. It contains nutrients, help to properly develop the fetus. But nursing mothers, by contrast, doctors do not recommend eating condensed milk. The high content of sugars, can cause allergies in the child. A high calorie product, may significantly increase the volume itself mother.

When choosing a condensed milk should pay attention to several factors. The most useful and delicious condensed milk - a product made in the summer. The product should not be part of anything extra, just milk and sugar. Sometimes the milk is replaced by cream, it does not spoil the quality of the product.

The consistency of condensed milk should be no lumps. The heterogeneity of the mass should alert you, and from such a condensed milk should be discarded.

Be sure to watch shelf life. This rule, of course, not only for condensed milk, but for all purchased products.

If condensed milk is open, it is better to pour into a glass container and a closed store in the refrigerator. The shelf life of the product does not open more than 5 days.

As is the case with all products, it is not necessary to lean on sweets. Significant use of condensed milk, can lead to a set of extra kilos, but also because of the negative effect on tooth enamel high sugar content.

Do you like condensed milk? You buy it at the store or make yourself at home?

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