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Step by step instructions on planting and cultivation of honeysuckle in the garden

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Honeysuckle - beautiful and original bush. It is used as an ornamental plant to decorate gardens. In May, fragrant bush honeysuckle flower buds yellow. And in the summer season when many were not yet ripe fruit, honeysuckle delight blue berries with a sweet and sour taste.

Fruits are attracted by its taste and a range of useful substances. The taste of berries affects the area of ​​growth of bushes.

Step by step on planting and growing instructions

To choose the right place to choose seedlings, plant and grow honeysuckle, should follow some guidelines:

· Longevity bush and future productivity will depend on the proper choice of planting material. High-quality varieties of seedlings in nurseries acquire. Preference should be given a two-year bushes about 40 cm tall.

It is not recommended to purchase seedlings stunted and weakened, or seedlings up to 1, 5 meters, they will be hard to take root and bear fruit later.

· Before planting it is necessary to choose the place properly. Honeysuckle loves sunny areas.

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It is resistant to adverse conditions, so it can be planted in open areas, with no protection from the wind.

· Since the fall need to prepare a bed: dig up the ground, leveled soil. When spring dig a pit width of 40x40 cm, to fill the bottom of the rubble.

In the top layer of soil and humus add fertilizers containing potassium.

· Planting honeysuckle bushes can be for most of the spring season.

In May, the landing of shrubs in the open ground is contraindicated, because at that time built up a green mass and formed crown bush.

· In the prepared hole for planting the land with the added fertilizers are placed in the center of the bush, straightening the roots and covered with soil, compacting the soil around.

If the plant is purchased in the container, he rolled over with a clod of earth. Around the hole formed planted seedling irrigation, and where 20-30 liters of water was poured.

Mulch tree trunks, using hay, straw, humus.

Organic mulch will serve as a good fertilizer in the spring, will protect the roots from drying out in summer and winter frost.

· After planting, especially in the early days, it is necessary to provide protection of plants from direct sunlight and regular abundant watering.

· The most comfortable soil is fertile loamy soil subpeschanaya or low acidity.

On acid soils the plants fade, produce fewer berries.

· In the early years of the growth of plants used for feeding nitrogen fertilizers, which are made in the spring. The soil is loose and spud.

In the future, to honeysuckle bore fruit every year paid under the bushes compost and mulch tree trunks peat layer.

Honeysuckle - undemanding shrub, quickly take root and can grow in one place for years.

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