What undersized flowers planted in the flower bed to bloom all summer
Before the advent of spring, buying flower seeds, many truckers dazzled by choice. Unfortunately, the place for all this wealth on a bed is not enough. And so you want to flower pleased colorful flowers all summer up to the frost!
Choosing a low-growing flowers for the flower beds, you need to remember that they are annual and perennial. Unlike tall, undersized height is 30 cm.
They are used for decoration:
· Borders,
· Alpine hills,
· Rockeries,
· Multilevel edging flower beds.
Long blooming low-growing plants for flower beds
The most common among gardeners plant that please abundant flowering throughout the summer up to the frost.
Dwarf varieties are compact, have a wide range of colors.
Snapdragons can be planted one-color groups, creating a bright spot on a bed, or alone.
Amazing colors of the buds of this plant attracts attention. Inside the flower pure white, and shades of the heavenly region. The plant is not high, up to 20 cm, with a tight fit forms a carpet, blooming until autumn.
Low-growing varieties of this plant can be white, pink and blue flowers. Fluffy inflorescences long persist on the stem, like balls in a bouquet.
Different purslane that quickly forms a colorful "carpet" of bright colors and juicy shoots with leaves, needles.
Numerous flowers purslane disclosed in the sun, the first buds appear in June.
This plant is less common, but gardeners love the unusual shape of its flowers. Gentian planted on the rockery, and blue-blue flowers create a simulated dry creek.
Carpathian bellflower
From this plant can grow low living frieze of white or deep blue.
After flowering, you can trim the bushes, causing the re-formation of flower buds.
Marigold (tagetis)
Perhaps this is the most common flower, planted on all the beds.
His love for ruggedness, long bloom bright colors and warm colors. Even in inclement weather a bed of marigolds looks sunny and bright.
Another plant, white and blue flowers that delight until frost. Lobeline bushes 20 cm in height and is ideally formed flat edge on a bed.
Features of cultivation of this plant is that the soil should always be moist.
Begonia vechnotsvetuschaya
A well-known flower that adorns the flower bed, not only for its vivid colors, but also decorative leaves of different shades.
This low hardy perennial, excellent bee plant. Bushes 20 cm tall form small carpet, magnificently flowering until frost.
The first buds bloom in May, and the last flower fades only with the advent of heavy frosts.
Aster dwarf
Annual grown through seedlings bloom in mid-summer, a compact bush. Of course, for a bouquet, he will not do, but in the flowerbed aster will delight stunted flowering all summer.
Making different versions of compositions from plants of the same height, you can get a unique design beds, pleasing their flowering until the autumn.