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Activated carbon has advantageous properties for greenery

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Who would have thought that the activated carbon is not only helps the human body, but also more potted plants and seedlings. These ordinary black tablet very effective means that are well affect the development and growth of greenery.

How useful coal tablets flowers and seedlings

· The activated carbon has the ability to neutralize the hazardous metals and gases in the soil.

· It helps to get rid of excess moisture in the soil.

· With the help of black coal can be treated wounds and deep cuts the plants, as it has antiseptic.

· Coal tablets well perpetuate plant stalks, as well as it protects against fungal diseases.

· At the time of planting or transplanting indoor plants, you need to sprinkle the plant roots crushed coal tablets.

This process is perfectly disinfect the root system and will not develop various diseases.

· Activated carbon saves the fungal disease called "black leg".

Methods of use of activated carbon for greenery

Consider the different methods for using coal tablets.

1. The best fertilizer for houseplants charcoal

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Fertilizer home colors, used activated carbon, it is good for the development of the root system of colors.

To do this, just only two tablets per pot. They need to break in half or into four parts and to dig into the soil.

2. The best way for rooting cuttings
Black activated pills best way for rooting cuttings. Soaked two charcoal tablets to add to the cups with water, where the cuttings are.

Coal contribute to the rapid strengthening and growth of the root system, as well as a glass of water will remain fresh much longer.

3. Treatment of wounds and cuts antiseptic
Activated charcoal helps with great wounds and sections of plants.

To do this, the crushed coal spill damaged the place, it's well addictive wounds and prevents the emergence of fungal diseases.

4. Charcoal tablets defeat fungal diseases
Activated tablets help fight the young seedlings with the "black leg", which damages the thin brittle stems near the soil base.

They begin to dwindle and dark and when such a disease quickly perish. To do this, crushed charcoal sprinkled powder seedlings and soil.

5. The ground for young seedlings
Carbon Tablets well absorb any excess moisture in the soil and do not allow the expression of rot and mildew.

To prevent this, it is necessary to take a couple of tablets or coal 400 - 500 ml of the crushed powder and the powder primer seedlings.

6. Activated carbon is perfectly neutralizes harmful substances in the soil
In order to withdraw from the soil harmful substance heavy metal, when planting you need to make charcoal powder into the ground.

When adding the activated carbon into the soil, flowers and seedlings will always have a healthy appearance. And it will never appear in the soil fungus and fungal diseases.

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