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Fast-growing vines to fence

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Rapidly growing plants are good for taking one for suburban area. Such plants look very beautiful and decorate the fence. If you want your site attracts the eyes of other people, you can of climbing plants to create an exciting and original compositions.

Types of fast-growing plants

1. Dutchman's pipe vine

Flowers at the vines during the flowering period is very unusual and looks like exotic flowers. They are well adapted in different climatic conditions.

If a plant to treat, it can survive even a very cold winter.

Planted it better in the fall or spring. Better place to choose in the shade and protected from the wind. Watering should be regular, so that the upper layer is not dried up.

2. Nasturtium

The stems of this plant can reach more than two meters, so it is perfect for decoration of the fence. The flowering period lasts all summer.

Nasturtium is not choosy, it can be transplanted in any land. She loves the sunshine, so try to choose a suitable place.

If you only transplanted the plant, then it is necessary to provide periodic watering to plants took root well.

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3. climbing rose

This rose very quickly and abundantly growing. In one season can capture very large portion of the fence. The plant loves the sun, but it should be constant.

Therefore, choose a place where the rose will come shadow. Too often, watering the plant is not worth it.

Planted in low spots where water collects or in the ground with ground water is also not recommended.

Try to periodically spray the leaves of the plant special fertilizer.

4. echinocystis

Many gardeners use this plant for a fence and walls. It tolerates drought and getting used to any climate.

Echinocystis tolerates cold temperature, so in winter it is possible for it not to be afraid of.

It should be noted that the plant quickly spreads its seeds and grows. Therefore, if you do not need it, then put on the fruits of small bags.

5. curly grapes

Very often, this plant can be found in suburban areas. It looks beautiful especially in autumn when the leaves start to get yellow and red shades.

On the walls, arches and pergolas, climbing vines will look very beautiful because of its lush crown. Care for them is simple enough to cut the dead branches and leaves.

6. Bougainvillea

This is a perennial plant that prefers sunny places. Flowering is very lush vibrant colors.

To bloom was stronger, you need to regularly fertilize the soil, watering it and spray the leaves with water.

Bougainvillea in the winter is better to remove the house.

7. Chinese magnolia vine

The plant is a perennial, so for all time of its height can reach up to 12 meters. It blooms with small flowers of white or cream color.

Lemongrass also appear on the fruit in the form of red berries. The plant itself is well rises to the high fences. It transfers the winter well.

On Lemongrass rarely appear pests, so no need to once again to spray it with chemicals.

Repot the plant better in fertile moist soil and sunny place.

Now climbing plants very large variety. Therefore, choose the best one that will not require special care, but will delight their flowering.

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