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Buldenezh: Snowy apples May

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Kalina buldenezh French denotes clump of snow or snow globe. Russian landowners in past centuries called the rowan "snebell". It's the same thing, only in English.

Features viburnum

Kalina with sterile flowers, gathered in dense inflorescences grown even 400 years ago. It was first mentioned in the chronicles. It is an indisputable fact. When exactly viburnum appeared in European gardens, unfortunately, is not known.
Externally bush viburnum buldenezh than not unlike conventional viburnum - shrub also grows up to 2.5 meters, the same leaves. Blooms at the same time as the wild forest. Only inflorescence she is not flat, as in savage and dense globose with a diameter of 10 cm.

Kalina buldenezh begins to bloom in late May and finishes flowering in early July. The beginning of flowering occurs at not fully expanded leaves, so is very nice.

A profusion of flowering is dependent on soil quality and care. A well-developed plants the number of white colors comes to hundreds and looks particularly impressive

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Conditions for Viburnum

1. Kalina buldenezh prefers to grow on fertile moist loams.

2. It is better on the southern slope, protected from cold winds.

3. When planting hole should be deep and a diameter of about 70 cm. The hole is filled with a mixture of turf and ground sheet with the addition of humus.

The well is useful to pour a bucket of ashes and 100 pellets of mineral fertilizers.

4. Tree trunks need to issue a circular hole to trap moisture. With a deficit of moisture it loses its decorative effect.

5. It photophilous plant. In the shade weaker blooms, blossoms themselves are becoming smaller.

6. It copes well with the city's gassed.

7. Hardiness in her lower than in the wild bush, so in the winter you want to hide the fir branches.

8. It blooms every year, although sometimes not too abundant.

bush preference

Kalina is required to feed and fertilize. On adult shrubs useful add 2, 5 bucket humus 1 time in spring or autumn under digging shallow.

It is also useful to feed the infusion of mullein. To cook it you need one bucket Mullein dissolved in 100 liters barrel. Under a bush enough to pour a bucket of 1 infusion twice over the summer period.

Buldenezh can not be planted in the sandy soil. So the plant will not have enough moisture. Attack on her leaf-eating insects such as aphids and weevils.
Tree trunks have to loosen and pluck the weeds. Useful zamulchirovat peat, humus to the thickness of 8 cm. Mulch support topsoil in good condition.

Place in the garden

Bush viburnum buldenezh looks good in the background. Ahead of the bush is better to plant low shrubs and perennial flowers. Near the Kalina can plant hydrangeas, Weigel, Kuril tea.

At the foot of the bush will look good ground cover plants such as monetochny loosestrife, primrose, sedum prominent, saxifrage, periwinkle, fescue and zhivuchka.

Alley, group

From buldenezh can arrange entry to the country, if obsadit bush track on both sides. Can an ordinary dense planting dissociate itself from the adjacent portion.

Or to disembark buldenezh on perimeter of the garden as a hedge. Shrubs planted useful to high firs and spruces.

A single bush

Attractively will look like a single viburnum tree stam. To do this he will have to cut all the branches to a height of 1 meter, leave only 1 straight trunk.

This shrub will itself be beautiful, but during flowering simply irresistible. If further around the bush cotoneaster plant or privet, you get a complete picture of a fairy.

Previously, landowners planted bushes buldenezh on the shore of the pond, then it blossoms reflected in the mirror of water. Then she was especially beautiful.
Now near Viburnum reasonable plant ferns, junipers.

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