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Irises in the Garden: how to grow delicious flowers without problems

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Irises... Extremely beautiful and very popular colors among gardeners. Irises belongs to the family kasatikovyh. More iris called - Cockerel. The plant is a perennial.

What is interesting, there are irises and bulbous root. The roots are often used in medical applications: liver purification in the treatment of skin disorders, as an expectorant.

Rhizomatous there are more than 750 species, they are divided into the bearded and not bearded.

The first got its name from the small villae on the lower petals, while the second smooth petals. Bulbous irises are divided into three types: Juno, ksifium and iridodiktium.

Irises quite unpretentious flowers and their cultivation will not bring much trouble.

You just need to know some of the features of these beautiful flowers will delight.

Growing iris

The soil:

· Loose, with the addition of thoroughly mixed sand and peat;

· Neutralize acidic soil with ash, or irises bloom will not, and will give nothing but leaves;

· Drainage layer is required to prevent root rot flower;

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· Constant watering of the soil is required.


· Iris love of light, in the shadows will not be pleasing colors;

· Is not exposed to direct sunlight - iris dry.


· Moderate fertilize the soil before planting, preferably a couple of weeks;

· Range of fertilizers in favor of nitrogen.

Planting root irises

Planting irises usually do in the summer or autumn. 10 cm, get rid of the weeds, fertilize - So, about 8 before planting the soil dug to a depth.

Not until a week later disembark irises: take fresh shoots rhizomes always with leaves, roots pruned to 1/3 to ½ leaves. Disinfect solution of potassium permanganate, or copper oxychloride.

Dry them 2 days. Dig wells mound in the center. Planted not deep on the surface should be seen little roots and the central bud, pour.

Planting bulbs irises

Bulbous irises are planted in late summer - early autumn. Cooking planting holes at a distance from each other of 8-10 cm and a depth of 4-7 cm. Onions a little dent in the hole covered with earth, water, you can fertilize the top.

When irises bloom period is over, you need to dig up the onions to heavy rains. If the summer is not rainy, you can not dig up the onions.

Once the bulbs are removed from the soil, they need to be disinfected with a solution of potassium permanganate or copper oxychloride. Dried 2 weeks and store in a dry place until next Bedding fall.

In rainy autumn bulbs irises necessary for the winter: dry leaves, spruce branches, or film. And in the spring do not forget to remove the cover.

Fertilize and planting irises

To feed all kinds of iris must be 3 times a year: at the beginning of flower growth, during the formation of buds and in two weeks after flowering.

Seat irises can:

· Seed. The longest process (2 years prior to the first flowering);

· Processes;

· Rhizomes.

Irises quite unpretentious flowers, with proper care, they will delight with its unusual flowering for several years.

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