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Care strawberry spring: how to increase next year's harvest?

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To strawberry (strawberry) grew larger, and the harvest was abundant, the culture requires constant care. Consider activities that for this purpose should be carried out in the spring.

Removing the cover

Covering material is removed after the snow melts.

Procrastinate with this is impossible, if the cover is too late to remove the root system can vypret and bushes die.

In addition, the open spaces better warmed by the sun.

Garbage collection

With shrubs removed dry leaves and last year's mulch. They can be pathogens, capable of infecting all strawberry plantation. Plant residues raked fan-shaped rake and burned.


Old leaves, tightly fitting on the bush, are cut using secateurs. You need to work carefully so as not to hurt the young rosette of leaves, appears in the center of the bush.

Cut the young bushes, thickening planting, as well as too old and not capable of providing high-quality crop.


The procedure is performed gently and shallow as strawberry roots close to the surface.

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Loosening facilitates aeration and water permeability of the soil. In addition, during the procedure removes the weeds.


If the winter has dropped little rain, spring strawberry bushes watered. Until the beginning of flowering, the procedure can be carried out by sprinkling.

In the future, water the plants only at the root, because at the time of flowering and fruiting strawberries vulnerable to fungal diseases.


In the period of active growth of strawberry peat mulch, decomposed manure.

They are also sprinkled with straw or sawdust, to berries do not get dirty ground, and not rot from the damp. In addition, grown so berries have a longer shelf life.


Without fertilizer bushes not build up large healthy berries. The first spring fertilization is done after a good warm up the earth.

During this period, the bushes are fertilized with nitrogen-containing preparations for increasing the green mass.

When they begin to grow young leaves, the plants are watered potash and phosphoric fertilizing. The same composition, they are fertilized just before flowering.

Protection against diseases and pests

Spring weather contributes to the emergence of fungal diseases, so prevention strawberry bushes must be treated with fungicides.

The first treatment is carried out after the garbage collection, the second - before flowering.

Against pests of strawberries sprayed with insecticide. It is also an effective means of them - hot water (t - 65-70 ° C) into the middle shed bushes at an air temperature of not less than 5 ° C.


If the landing is too thickened, extra plants are dug and transplanted to a new plantation. strawberry roots slightly trimmed, processed in a growth stimulator.

Transplanting is done in cloudy weather. The interval between the bushes - 25-30 centimeters.

In carrying out these activities strawberry harvest will be plentiful and of high quality.

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