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What is ITO-peonies and how to grow them?

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Japanese breeder has pleased the world breeding terry Imperial peonies, inherited the best qualities of tree, herbaceous relatives. Name scientist called blooming magnificently instances with yellow, burgundy shades, rosaceous, violet exotic varieties with effective midway.

Debutant gardens, vegetable gardens and houses adjoining areas fast gaining popularity among gardeners. The time of abundant flowering incomparable Itoh hybrids - June.

The main advantages of these pions

Advantages of the new group of peonies:

· Strong, inflexible inflorescence;

· Riotous bloom;

· Amazing flowers color;

· High winter hardiness;

· Disease resistance;

· Ease of reproduction;

· Simplicity to the conditions.

Subject to the important, simple rules of cultivation, the plants will delight their fans aroma and a wide color palette.

Selection comfortable portion

At one place perennial will grow for decades. Therefore, the site selection is important.

The best landing place - lighted fertile hill without drafts.

Hybrids do not grow on strongly humid lowlands.

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Preparation of the landing pit

In conditions of the central Russia in August to September dig wells depth of 50 cm, diameter - 90 cm, the center of which is placed divided rhizomes. Spring transplant undesirable.

3 weeks before planting, to the village land, fertilizer solution, put on the bottom of the stones, pieces of slate, brick.

The wells were filled with a mixture of friable compost and garden soil in an amount of 2 buckets, there is added mineral phosphate glass components handful polvedra lime and ash.

On loam spiked peat, sand, peat bogs - clay. The distance between the bushes not smaller than 1.5 m.

Purchased sprouts gently rolled over from the container into the pit, watered, poured nutrient mixture. landing place must be compacted and zamulchirovat with the top bud growth will not deeper than 5 cm from the soil surface.

When buried in the planting of seedlings are not formed buds, only gains in strength rich foliage.

agro-technical measures

1. Buds 1-2 years of life is recommended to remove;

2. In mature plants first flower cut flower shoots are produced in mid-June;

3. After flowering is required to cut the top of the flower stalk, arranged in front of the second leaf of the present;

4. Remove from the earth crumbled petals;

5. In mid-October, cut all the grass to the soil level.

Ito-pions in the winter does not harbor. Suffice zamulchirovat thin layer of humus in the spring carefully removed, freeing the young shoots.

Since the end of May to September, in the evening, needed rare, but abundant watering "the roots". Regularly should loosen the soil, removing weeds, 3 times per season watered ash solution.

Supplementary feeding of complex mineral fertilizers required only in the 4th year of cultivation: in April - May make nitrogen fertilizers, in August - potassium, phosphorus compounds.

Urea is able to provoke a fungal disease. In early May, better feed Fertikov.

Flowers 2-3 years of life did not differ elegance: they Curved petals, pale colors.

4-5 year tender bushes grow in size and admire gorgeous blooms.

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