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5 unusual ways to grow seedlings

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Many vegetables and flowers can be grown seedling only way. I want to plant a lot, but not enough space in the apartment, it is, first of all. Second, the soil is not cheap, and many times it is expensive to buy. Craftsmen, gardeners come up with as many ways you can save money and space in the room, and the amount of soil. Let us consider some interesting ways.


Eggshell contains large amounts of calcium. It is successfully used in gardening and horticulture in the form of fertilizing. Now we learned how to grow seedlings in the shells.

If possible, it is best to use goose shell, but also a chicken suit for want.

It should be done on both sides of the small holes and pour the contents of the egg into the glass. The hole at the blunt end of the egg should be smaller, it will act as a drain hole.

The larger hole carefully poured fertile ground and set into the cassette egg from the egg. In the resulting "pot" planted a seed of cucumbers on one or colors.


An alternative to peat tablets steel tea bags. Gardeners began to collect these bags, filled with soil and planted in them the seeds of similar planting in peat tablet.

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Prior to the first pick, the plant feel very comfortable. And convenient to transplant.

Removing the bag, put the plant in a larger container. The root system of seedlings, while not suffering.

citrus peel

A wonderful way to grow seedlings in the citrus fruit baskets. They contain volatile be a reliable protection for young plants.

Another citrus contain a large amount of aldehydes:

· Citral;

· Citronellal.

That well protects the plant from nematodes.

Just baskets protection against various fungi and rot. The essential oil is an excellent fungicide.

Landing in the sawdust

Instead soil gardeners use sawdust. The loose structure of the spines of the plants in the sawdust expanse.

They do not congeal as conventional primer and the access of oxygen to the spine will be constantly. With this planting the roots of the plant are more strong and powerful

Important! Sawdust can be used only decomposed. Fresh sawdust absorbs nitrogen, and the plant can die. In addition, it is necessary to closely monitor soil moisture.

Landing in toilet paper

There is an interesting way to grow seedlings to the first picking. This landing in the toilet paper or napkins.

Everyone knows that for the germination of seeds does not need fertile soil and cellulose in this case will be an excellent alternative. Nor any dirt and dust and also not expensive.

· Toilet paper need to be folded in several layers of not less than 8-10-year. Chop them fine noodles, but not to the end and put in a plastic container.

· Strips of paper drench with water.

· To spread the seeds on the surface.

· Top cover even a thin layer of strips.

· The container cover with a lid and place in a warm place.

After 3-5 days the seeds will give seedlings. This substrate may be in the seeds prior to phase 2 leaves. That is, just prior to the time when they need a pick.

These are unusual methods can be used for growing seedlings.

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