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Features care of indoor plants in the flowering period: how to care for orchids arrow?

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Decorative orchid production demand because of the beauty of the flower. And it fits easily into any interior, due to its long flowering and unusual color.

The only difficulty in this case is to maintain a stable growth process.

After all, the only way to get an erection of the first color in a few months.

All this will allow the owners to decorate the house these orchids are so adored in Asia.

The process of dropping the boom

Before you begin to form flowers, the plant is necessary to form a stable base for it. And this is possible only under favorable conditions to create the people themselves.

Therefore, the primary task for the person becomes normal lighting education. And, the intensity and duration of it, the faster the results.

When the boom starts to rise, the following parameters have to be taken into account: light, watering, quality and quantity of fertilizer. And, of course, personal care in a particular period of time.

But if the latter is probably a secondary factor, then the first three it is important to respect and to provide appropriate care.

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Usually pots with flowers put on the south side of the house or apartment. Better insulated balcony or windowsill. In the winter, only the window-sill.

Quality moisturizing will not work without intensive irrigation. But here we have to consider everything carefully. Decant in any case impossible, and Nedolya affect the rate of appearance of the boom. Saves the ease of use of fertilizers.

Suit those that contain high amounts of potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen bit. Then the future will be beautiful flowers and their foundation strong and reliable.

Direct care arrow

The people they are called peduncle. In fact, this is the part of the stem, which in itself constitutes a kidney to their further development. As long process reaches a wide variety of values, it is always necessary to avoid twisting in the pig's tail.

To reinforce this special rod with rings installed. Then the plant has time to gain strength and get used to their own weight.

Which subsequently helps to maintain an abundant number of colors and dormant buds.

Also, you must remember about simple actions aimed at maintaining the same atmosphere and a certain humidity.

Yes, in the winter with the sun color problem almost solved, but with roots just avoid problems. For it is not enough to forget about the weekly care of the flowers.

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