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Toxic to cats Spathiphyllum or not? What if the pet is poisoned

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Among houseplants have samples that are dangerous for small children and pets. Toxic substances may be contained in the leaves, stems, juice plants.

Their contact with the skin or mucosa may cause allergic reactions, edema (up to angioedema) poisoning.

How dangerous Spathiphyllum?

Spathiphyllum unfortunately presents a risk for cats. The poison contained in the juice of the plant.

Pet can chew the leaves that provoke burns of the mouth and cause a lesion of the gastrointestinal tract.

In addition, it may carry venom in their eyes to the clutches of wool.

calcium oxalate

Similar problems arise because of the content in the juice of calcium oxalate. It is an oxalic acid salt. Its important feature is the poor water solubility.

Symptoms of poisoning

· heart palpitations;

· Tachypnea, sometimes intermittent (depending on the severity of poisoning);

· Vomiting;

· Lethargy, passivity;

· Diarrhea;

· Thirst.

First aid

If poisoning cat necessarily be seen by a veterinarian. But before that should be given to the animal first aid. On its quality and efficiency depends on the speed of recovery.

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It is particularly important to hold a set of measures, if it is not possible to show the pet specialist (dachas).

1. Rinsing the mouth. Recommended composition: water and salt water or hydrogen peroxide. These mixtures have a neutralizing action on toxic substances.

2. Safety of the gastrointestinal tract. For this purpose, the following mixture was made: vegetable oil and egg white are stirred in warm milk.

3. Laxative. Drugs in this group will not be allowed to linger in the body to toxic substances. Additionally, the cat is given activated charcoal per 1 kg of weight to 500 mg of drug. But while experts strongly advise not induce vomiting, as this will only exacerbate the situation.

4. Rinsing of the eyes, if their cat t. For this purpose, suitable tea leaves, sulfacetamide.

Precautionary measures

· Planting of special kinds of herbs intended exclusively for cats. Her chewing will not bring them any harm. Moreover, it contains the necessary minerals and vitamins your pet.

· Spray Spathiphyllum leaves abruptly or bad-smelling tool.

· Move the flower on the reach of cats place.

· The most radical way - to abandon breeding Spathiphyllum at home.

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