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Do fertilizing orchids garlic water useful? Ingredients, recipes, indications and contraindications

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Orchid lovers believe that garlic - a savior for flowers. What is it? Garlic contains all the necessary nutrients, and in an easily digestible form of a flower. How useful garlic water for orchids? How to cook at home, and whether there are contraindications for Phalaenopsis, today in this article.

The benefits of garlic, indications for use

It is proved that garlic water helps plants cope with the stress that she experiences for the transplant.


1. Activates the growth of aerial roots;

2. It stimulates the release of the peduncle;

3. It protects plants from pests and infections.

When it is necessary to feed the Phalaenopsis:

· A long time no peduncle;

· Bad plant is gaining momentum;

· Green mass of oppressed and no new leaves;

· Weak root development;

· Root tips are damaged by pests;

· Flower fades and turns yellow.

Performing dressing properly, following the dosage and frequency of watering, orchid 100% bloom.


Not always garlic water - that's a plus. In some cases, it harms:

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1. If the orchid blooms;

2. Making garlic in the ground more than twice a month;

3. For prolonged storage solution (shelf life of no more than 3 days);

4. If garlic is used only for fertilizers;

5. In the case of spraying and expose the spike.

How to cook garlic water

You will need to take 1 liter of boiling water and 2 garlic cloves large sizes.

Vegetable chop on chesnokodavilke or cut with a knife. Then put the slurry into a glass or ceramic container and pour boiling water. Put the jar in a dark place for infusion.

Watering is carried out one hour after an infusion. It must be cooled and filtered.

Otherwise, there is a probability of getting garlic particles to the ground, why they may rot.

To orchid rehabilitated after winter, it is poured garlic solution and succinic acid.

Mixed dressing provides rapid adaptability to new conditions, luxuriant blossoms and leaves extra food.

how to water

Garlic water abundantly shed earthen room around the orchid so that it spilled into the sump. Further, without draining the solution from the sump to hold the plant in this state about half an hour.

It is important that the juice of garlic soaked to the root system. Remains of the drain pan.

If you decide to pour his favorite garlic water, consider all the nuances of the procedure. Otherwise, the plant can wither and die. It is important to comply with dosage and frequency of watering.

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