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How to grow good seedlings of flowers Aster seed at home

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Asters dolgotsvetuschie plants that beautify your garden until late autumn. Large beds of flowers reminiscent of the carpet on which the scattered stars. Such beauty can get one, if you know all the nuances of planting and cultivation.

Asters can sow directly into the ground on a bed or in advance on the seedlings. Although the plant is not capricious, it requires special attention.

sowing time

If you proceed with this procedure, not on time, you get an empty greens that do not bloom at all, the young seedlings are sick and can not settle down.

For quality seedlings suitable seeds last year, are sown from late March to mid-April. This is the optimal time under which the planting material will have time to fully develop and get stronger.


Before planting seedlings asters should be prepared in advance, for this you will need:

1. Breeding boxes

They have to be low due to the small size of seedlings. Suitable containers are not deep, well or any dishes that you will find at home, and it is possible to plant flowers;

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2. Covering material

Which will lay the seed box to create a greenhouse effect.

It is best to take a glass, the size of the dishes, or polyethylene;

3. The seeds of asters

They can be collected from your own site or bought in the store.

4. wood ash

5. permanganic acid

6. The soil should be nutritious

Perfect mixture of earth from the garden, humus and sand in equal parts. They added the ash at the rate of 200 grams per desyatilitrovoe bucket.

cultivation technology

landing procedure is as follows:

1. The selected container is poured soil crush it slightly and poured potassium permanganate;

2. Purchased pre-treated seeds of the disease, but the home need to etch any fungicide;

3. In the land of make furrows, can be a pencil or a finger. The distance between recesses 2 - 2.5 cm. Further laid achenes and covered with the remaining soil. The depth of embedment is not more than 2 cm;

4. Containers with seedlings is covered so that moisture does not evaporate quickly;

A couple of weeks the seeds hatch, the cap is removed and put on the windowsill boxes with lots of light, but at a temperature of 15 degrees, at higher rates rostochku extended.

Regularly watered from the spray, the main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise there is a "blackleg" fungus.

Important for growing good seedlings is the process of picking. Should begin after the appearance of two - three leaves.

It is desirable for transplantation to prepare separate pots or cassette. Take the same ground, but add fertilizers into it.

Important! If the seedlings are stretched, and has abundant root system, the tip should be prischipnut.

The cups made recess in which is transferred to the young aster. All actions are performed accurately, as the greens are very fragile. The land around the trampled, not to undercut root when watering.

Further seedling cultivation is carried out at a place where no direct sunlight at a temperature of about 20 degrees. As growth check and in necessary terms asters from the cup is transferred to a bed, a bed, where they grow and bloom until late autumn.

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