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Pumpkin: benefit and harm to the body

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Pumpkin - a natural vitamin-mineral complex given the nature of humanity. Vegetable positive effect on the function of the body as a whole and improve the general well-being.

Cooking, folk medicine and cosmetology - an area in which the plant is widely used.

The pumpkin is almost entirely edible, with the exception of skin, but also it is used as animal feed.

The composition and nutritional value of culture

Pumpkin is very low-calorie product, it contains no more than 26 kcal. The pulp plant incredibly rich in microelements, namely, iron, fluorine, zinc, potassium, calcium, magnesium and copper.

Contained in vegetable vitamins, protein, fiber, and antioxidants promotes proper functioning of the human body.

benefits of plants

With regular use of the pumpkin in a food normalized internal organs. It reduces the risk of exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Pectin, contained in the vegetable helps reduce cholesterol levels.

Vitamins have a beneficial effect on vision, participate in strengthening the immune system and the withdrawal of salts.

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Useful properties of pumpkin are as follows:

· Cleansing the body of toxins;

· Lowering blood pressure;

· Increase in hemoglobin;

· Improvement of metabolism;

· Normalize the water-salt balance;

· Accelerates the healing process.

Pumpkin - an excellent diuretic. The pulp plant after eating normalizes the digestive tract, has a positive effect on the kidneys, liver and cardiovascular system.

Pumpkin juice treat: chronic constipation, renal insufficiency and hemorrhoids.

The use of vegetable for men's health

Regular consumption of fresh pumpkin juice improves male potency. Eating the pulp plant will help in the fight against prostate adenoma and prostatitis.

The greatest value for man's health are pumpkin seeds due to the large content of an element such as zinc.

For Women's Health

Eating pumpkin ensures the woman, normalization of sleep, rejuvenation and removal of the spleen.

In cosmetology, the plant is used in the preparation of lotions, creams and balms.

Substances contained in the pumpkin maintain hair, skin and nails healthy.

Harm and contraindications

It is forbidden to use the spoiled fruit of the pumpkin. The crude vegetable contraindicated ulcers and gastritis, as well as intestinal colic, kidney stones and liver and biliary tract pathologies.

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