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Dollar Tree Propagation by division of the tuber. The subtleties of the process

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Dollar Tree - very common plant that has almost every grower. Achieve its propagation by means of seeds is not so easy, because many people choose a simple and accessible way - vegetative.

The division of tubers are overgrown dollar trees that have two or more leaf buds. The process is carried out during a planned transplant plants.

If the root system has grown so much that in a pot almost no soil to separate a part of the tuber is even useful to the parent plant.

The process of soil preparation and transplantation

First we need to prepare the flower pots. On their bottom can be put small primer, which will serve as a drainage. The following should be used as a mixture of soil:

· Two portions of peat;

· One piece of sand;

· One piece of vermiculite or expanded clay.

After tuber plants should be removed from the pot. It must be carefully cleaned of soil. Share the tuber can be with a sharp knife, thus it is necessary to exercise caution.

For each individual plant is necessary to cut off part of the tuber, which are located a few roots and at least one leaf buds.
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Tuber need to sprinkle sulfur or crushed activated carbon. It should be left in the open air in the time period from a couple of hours to days.
Pot to fill with soil up to half, and moisten it. There also should be lowered tuber. From above it is necessary to sprinkle the soil residues.

If the tuber from straying too long process, it should be attached to the support.

Water the plant only on the third day after landing, while moisten the leaves and soil is worth using the spray. For the first watering, you can use a fungicide solution that helps to avoid rotting of the roots and tubers.

In subsequent watering undesirable pereuvlazhnyat soil should follow standard schedule.

Use fertilizer and top dressing can be 1.5-2 months after planting.

Two weeks later, the scars on the tuber is completely overgrown, and there will be fresh roots. If the landing is successful, then in 3-4 months money tree will give the new shoots.
Thus, most of the way division of the tuber is used during a planned transplant overgrown dollar tree.

We should be careful, because one wrong action can lead not only to loss of new shoots, but also to the death of the mother plant.

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