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Kufa room: how to care for plants at home

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Kufei many species, and almost all can be grown at home. It blooms profusely until the autumn a variety of colors. How to properly care for Kufa to maintain its spectacular species describe later in this article.

Care is in compliance with the activities necessary for the growth and flowering kufei.

These include:

1. The content of the plants at the place comfortable for him

Kufa is well developed on well sunlit windowsill to make shade in the midday time.

When the content of the plants bloom in partial shade it will be weak.

2. Compliance with the temperature

Kufa summer grows well at room temperature, during this period, it is even possible to bring air (outdoor balcony, balcony, terrace).

In winter, the plant requires a reduced temperature.

3. timely watering

Kufa loves abundant watering during the spring and autumn. The soil between the humidification must have time to dry out.

The plant will be grateful for periodic spraying and dushevanie.

Winter soil moisture is significantly reduced, especially if kufee in this period will be allocated to a cool room.

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4. fertilizer plants

During warmer Kufa shed a solution of complex mineral fertilizers.

Periodicity - 1 time in 2 weeks. Pre-ground watered with plain water, and only then - feeding.

5. annual transplant

The procedure is done in the spring. Kufa transplanted in a pot, which is greater than the preceding one by 1-2 cm.

Substrate for plants made up of light earth, peat, sand and perlite.

6. Forming plants

Pruning the plants need to give kufee neat appearance, giving it a certain shape, tillering.

Drastic pruning is carried out in the spring, in addition, during the summer pinch shoots grow back again.

In addition to these measures, it is possible to produce plant propagation.

For this purpose, when trimming poluodrevesnevevshie selected shoots are then rooted in water or in a small pot with loose earth. The container can be planted several cuttings.

Kufa can be attacked aphids and spider mites. Upon detection of such a plant is necessary to spray insecticide.

The appearance of spots on the leaves, most likely indicative of the defeat of the fungus plant. To get rid of it bush sprayed with fungicide.

Subject to the above activities kufei cultivation will not be difficult. The plant will be able to rapidly increase vegetative mass and bloom without any problems until the autumn.

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