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Dollar tree trimming or to form a gorgeous plant without problems

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People who love and want to care for the plants, but do not want to sit in his garden for hours, are easy option for your hobbies - Dollar Tree or Miokulkas.

This tree is very unpretentious in the care and requires little overhead for your content. At the same time, it is quite a good plant that will decorate any room, especially not filled.

Also, it is believed that this tree brings money into the house, and why this name was formed.

One of the advantages of wood is that it can give almost any shape, almost the same as a bonsai tree.

But how to properly care for these plants, how to water, and to shape right?

In this article, you can find answers to these and other questions related to this plant.

What you should know about this plant

· Miokulkas likes moderate temperature

· The plant is fairly easy to tolerate Nedolya, and much more difficult to tolerate overflow

· For this fertilizer plant fertilizer suitable of cacti

· Transplant necessary to carry out the land each year

Main cautions related to plant

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After purchasing the plant should not rush headlong into the future for his capacity, and on the contrary, you should first hold it in the living room, so that all the stress associated with a change came to nothing.

Also, be aware that even though this plant is not very whimsical to the environment, as well as to the type of soil in which it is located.

Should choose a fairly loose soil so that the plants could feel myself comfortable, and that nothing has embarrassed its growth.

Also, the plant does not like too bright light, especially if it is concentrated in one place, rather than scattered throughout the territory.

Thus, even though the plant is not very capricious, it is worth to follow him, so it does not withered.

How can cut Miokulkas?

This procedure must be done with great care and respect for the flower.

It should be remembered that any careless incision on a flower can lead to very negative consequences, such as the start of rotting flowers, damaging its structure, and to the complete drying of the plant.

Because should carefully monitor their actions during this procedure.

The most an easy form that you can give this rasteniyu- is a bowl shape.

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