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Delightful Durante and care at home

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Durante belongs to the family Verbenaceae. This is an interesting, low maintenance, flowering plant. Its inflorescence can reach a length of 20 cm. After flowering berry formed.


Durante - photophilous plant. But at the same time it does not react to direct sunlight. Consequently, the plant is recommended pritenyat.

But the best solution would be placing on the west or east side. In winter flower require additional lighting.

Air humidity

For Durante should maintain high humidity by spraying daily.

After the plant blooms, spraying of the stems to be inflorescences.

Flowers in contact with water may rot. The recommended duration of treatment - morning.


Durant does not require a special approach to the problem of irrigation. But it adversely affects the excess moisture and lack of.

A plant needs a regular, uniform watering of warm water, which is spaced at least 6 hours.

Air temperature

Changes in temperature is not highly desirable for Durante.

In winter, the temperature minimum to it - 14 ° C. The optimum temperature at this time - about 20 ° C.

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The same indicator for the flower in the summer. Maximum temperature - 25 ° C.

Durant does not tolerate dry air, so in summer it can be put to an open space - a balcony, garden furniture. Ventilation is also good impact on its development.


Durante for planting soil should be loose, light, nutritional. For this purpose, the substrate suitable for flowering plants. Soil mix you can prepare yourself.

At a ratio of 2: 1: 1: 1: 1 mixed sheet earth, humus, peat, sand, turf ground.

It recommended to the bottom of the pot to put drainage - small pebbles, expanded clay, shards, cones.

This will allow water to flow freely in the pan and not stagnate, thereby damaging the roots. Furthermore, increased air exchange.


Young plant (up to 5 years), experienced growers are advised to repot every year. A further - as needed.

Since Durante intensively developed root system, then the transplant it is necessary to examine, old or diseased roots removed. Too long - shortened.


Make fertilizer, it is desirable not more than once a month throughout the year.

Exclusion can make winter in the absence of additional lighting.

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