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Step by Step Instructions growing Adenium home for beginners

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Adenium - a plant with a thick stem, the tip of which is crowned with glossy shoots, leaves, pointed at the end. Its aboveground and underground parts are well served formirovke.

As a result of manipulation of the trees obtained bizarre. Adenium is unpretentious, he is easy to handle even a novice.

For this category of gardeners consider the instructions for growing plants.


If you just bought Adenium, a year has passed since the last update of the soil, the plant is to be transplanted. Pot is selected slightly larger than the previous.

After transplantation Adenium not immediately watered, it should take 2-3 days to heal damaged roots.

place of

Adenium is very fond of light, so place the content selected as a possible lighting.

plant bought in a store accustom to the sun gradually, exposing it to bright light for a few minutes a day. The same is true of young people, just planted plants.


Homeland plants - Saudi Arabia, where the temperature varies from +20 to + 46 ° C, so the temperature indoor air spring and summer may be higher in winter flower is transferred to a cooler room.

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The plant fat storage tissues moisture, so frequent and abundant watering it is not required.

In winter, in the dormant period, the soil is moistened only occasionally, lest there its complete drying.


You must use the fertilizer for succulents in spring and summer. In its structure should prevail potassium, phosphorus, a little less - nitrogen.

Enough to shed Adenium nutrients 2 times a month.


This procedure is necessary for the formation of beautiful plants. Prischipnuv apex, Florist encourages ozhivanie lateral buds from which to actively begin to grow young branches.

pruning the roots

Adenium thick roots tend to grow much. When they begin to rise above the ground at 1-2 cm, they need to be trimmed.

This is done before the transfer as follows:

· Plant is removed from the pot;

· Overgrown roots are cut;

· Sections processed wood ash;

· Plants are planted in a new container.


The easiest way - cuttings. To this end, the following steps:

· A sharp knife cut the escape of about 10 cm in length;

· The cut dusting wood ashes;

· After drying stalks planted in a loose, slightly moist substrate.

Drizzle the stalk must be 2-3 days. Following hydration is performed after the almost complete drying of the soil.

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