How to clean the toilet bowl on urinary stone
Every housewife wants to in her house was cleanliness. But in our time, not everyone can make it in time to trace the cleanliness. If for some time not to pay enough attention to the toilet, it can be deposited layers of bladder stone. This mineral build-up, it is transferred to the toilet with urine. Most often, it is in the toilet bowl and under the rim, where standing water.
Remove urinary stone.
First, drain the water, just Scoop it means at hand, because any remedy would be better to act if there is no water.
Be sure to wear gloves and a respirator, as many agents in our time can irritate mucous membranes.
Apply the cleaner to where delayed urinary stone. You have to wait about two hours.
Clean the toilet bowl cleaning brush.
Of course, you can not remove all the education the first time, but the same procedure can be repeated. And again and again stone becomes smaller until it disappears completely.
Chemistry emits toxins, so while brushing keep away from the toilet children and pets.