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Grow Money tree correctly. 7 important moment in the care of a handsome man

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Money tree (Crassula, Crassula) adapted to grow in harsh environments, as its homeland - Africa. But, after all, if you know about his preferences, you can grow a spectacular green areas with beautiful thick stems and fleshy, elastic leaves.

We tell you about 7 points, the most important in the care of the money tree.


Jade loves the location on a well-lighted place with no contact with the leaves of the direct rays of the sun, from which they may redden and wither.

During the summer, she will feel good on the balcony or outdoors in the shade of other plants.


Money tree best kept at a temperature varying from 15 to 25 ° C.

At a lower temperature, and even in conjunction with copious irrigation, root rot may be struck; at higher - start to shrink leaves.


Crassula summer watered frequently, but care must be taken that the upper layer of soil had time to dry. In winter, watering is reduced.

Its need can tell the leaves they begin to lose their elasticity.

Leaflets should be cleaned with a damp cloth to remove dust when the plant has become too big - to spray from the sprinkler.

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Money tree does not require frequent and abundant feeding. Enough of them to make fertilizer for succulents once a month.

First, a substrate is poured water, then dressing only. In winter, the plant is not fertilized.


In the spring of money to be transplanted tree. To this end, the bush is shaken out of the pot, looks around.

If the root system is rotten, broken, it is cut with a sharp knife, then charcoal powder oneself.

When the slices dry out, money tree is planted in a pot slightly larger volume.

Getting rid of pests

From the air is too dry, too high or low temperatures, harmful insects can appear on Crassula.

To get rid of them, the plant is washed in the shower sprayed tobacco or garlic tincture.

In severe cases, Crassula is irrigated with a solution of the insecticide.

formation of a crown

This procedure is carried out even at the stage when the money tree growing in a barrel. First side shoots removed, then when the bush in height reached about 25 cm, pinch off the top.

In the future, constantly pinch newly formed shoots at a distance of 10-12 cm from the beginning of their growth.

This is necessary to ensure that money tree has the form of lush tree.

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