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Fertilizing home colors castor oil. Features of the application

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The big drawback content of potted plants is small soil space. Land is quickly exhausted, the plant no longer receive nutrients.

The solution is the introduction of root and foliar application.

Consider further, as castor oil affects the growth and flowering of plants.

Extract the product from the fruit of the castor bean. The oil obtained is a clear, viscous liquid. The smell of his sharp, specific.

Castor oil does not dry out, it does not oxidize in air and under the influence of sunlight.

They use it in a variety of areas, including as feeding for houseplants.

Why apply

As the oil is an antibacterial agent falling on plants, it inhibits the vital activity of pathogenic microorganisms.

In addition, castor oil acts as a stimulator of cell division, resulting in flower starts active growth and flowering.

In addition, the positive properties of the oil are as follows:

· Improved appearance of the bushes;

· Plants recover more quickly from illness;

· Improving the soil.


Castor oil from the fruit - an inexpensive way to improve the condition of greenery.

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For the preparation of fertilizers, the following steps:

Taken · 1 tsp castor oil;

· Diluted in 1 liter of water;

· Components are thoroughly mixed.

The mixture is poured into a spray bottle, through which spray the leaves, buds and the soil. Used dressing immediately, or castor oil may float to the surface.

If the components are layered, the condensed castor oil is burning his flowers.

Instead of water, some growers use diluted milk.

rules dressing

To bring castor oil plants favor, the following rules for its application need to know as a top dressing:

1. Fertilize the plants during the active growth and budding is not more than 1 time per month.

2. To prevent burn the roots of green plants soil pre-moistened with water.

3. Plants undergoing a rest period, not to feed.

4. Water for the production of fertilizer should be warm, to defend.

For healthy looking green spaces necessary to use expensive fertilizers.

The use of castor oil - a variant of the efficient use of cheap materials as top dressing.

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