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What should be the ground for violets. Investigated together

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Growing violets - a laborious process that requires care and the creation of favorable conditions. Proper soil - is the basis of growing beautiful, healthy color.

The substrate can be purchased at the store, but in this article describes how to cook it yourself.


The number of components can be different. Qualitatively, the substrate must attend basic and advanced components. The main components include:

· Land

This is the basis of any ground. It is best to take a ground sheet. It can dig under deciduous trees where fallen leaves accumulate.

This component must occupy at least half of the substrate. If there is no ground sheet, you can dig up somewhere else.

· Peat

It is formed from the decomposed residues of plant and rich in mineral substances.

Peat for the substrate should be dry. This component is required, since it is slightly acidify the soil.

A violet, as is well known, like slightly acidic substrate. Turf should not be more than a quarter of the total composition.

· Sand - the third important component of the proper ground for violets

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The sand must be clean and big. He needs to loosen the composition. It should be no more than 10%, since it contains no nutrients.

The substrate is a mixture of ground sheet, peat and sand - is the simplest version of the ground, where the violets will feel great.

In addition to the basic components, other "ingredients" can be added to the soil

· Sphagnum moss

This component is perfectly retains moisture and creates a slightly acidic environment (just for violets).

Moss has bactericidal and antiseptic properties. It should not be more than 10% of the total composition.

· Perlite (crumbling volcanic glass)

This material loosens the soil, retains heat, thereby protecting against hypothermia.

It can be used as drainage. There should be no more than 10% of the total composition.

· Coniferous land

It contains the remains rot needles. Used to acidification and loosening the substrate. The composition should be no more than 20% of softwood land.

When preparing the substrate must be remembered that many of the components may contain pathogenic organisms (e.g., softwood earth).

Therefore, after the preparation of the soil, it is necessary to disinfect. Can be ignited in the oven, throw boiling water or a disinfectant solution.

Only in this case you can be sure that the violets grow up healthy.

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