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How to pinch money tree

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Crassula (money tree) - one of the most undemanding plants grown at home.

For showy appearance planting requires good lighting, timely watering, periodic dressing, as well as nipping and cutting.

How to produce the latest of the procedures - later in the article.

rules pinching

Pinching is needed to form a beautiful crown. It is necessary to adhere to the following rules:

1. The pot is planted only one stalk, otherwise not be able to form a beautiful bush because of its excessive gelled.

2. Pinched start producing in the spring, then continue in the summer. This is important for the reason that the plant must have time to form before the winter shoots, they were released from dormant lateral buds.

3. The procedure starts when the money tree is growing even in a barrel: pinch escape between the 4 th and 5 th pair of leaves.

Thus, the first branching bush arranged: from dormant lateral buds begin to grow new branches.

4. When the young shoots grow up a bit, they can also pinch. Important ensure that all branches of the received light evenly, otherwise the money tree loses a decorative look.

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5. Every newly formed escape produce the same procedure.

Care after pinching

Money Tree is necessary to put on a well-lighted place, without contact with the leaves of the direct rays of the sun. With a lack of light krona lose symmetry: the shoots begin to stretch, bend.

To avoid this, the plant must be periodically rotated.

Money tree watered infrequently. Between waterings upper primer must dry.

The plant is able to accumulate in thick stems and fleshy leaves a lot of moisture, so often it does not require hydration. Jade is fully capable to survive the short-term drought.

Money tree is transplanted into a pot, the volume is slightly larger than the previous one.

At the same time, it should not be too deep because the root system of the plant surface.

By width of the pot should be equal to the volume of the crown. Transplant performed as needed, usually 1 every 2 years.

So, nipping made for a beautiful formation of the bush. If the branch still too grown, then apply a crucial method for achieving a compact type of money tree - pruning.

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