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How to prepare a dressing of iodine for a violent flowering geranium. Step-by-step instruction

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Feeding play a big role for the colorful flowering geranium. On the market there are a large amount of fertilizer for her under different names. But few people know that at home you can cook an inexpensive fertilizer from a variety of components, including iodine.

What is it needed for

With a lack of nutrients in the soil at the geranium changing appearance: leaf thinning, become pale, listless, buds quickly fade or are not formed at all.

Fertilizing based on iodine promotes the formation of numerous ovaries, nail beautiful, bright foliage.

In addition, under the influence of geraniums iodine is better absorbed nitrogen; strengthens immunity, respectively, the plant can actively fight against diseases and pests.

How to cook

The most popular among gardeners recipe fertilizing geranium is prepared as follows:

· 1 liter of water is taken laying over 1 day;

· Add 1-3 drops of iodine;

· Add 1 ml of hydrogen peroxide.

All components are thoroughly mixed. Prepared solution watered a geranium.

The soil in the pot prior fertilizer suspension should not be dry, or may suffer roots (burn).
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Geranium feed as possible and without the use of hydrogen peroxide in solution.

rules of irrigation

To feed was 5% solution of iodine medical, sold in the pharmacy. Water is advisable to use rainwater. Watering is carried out as follows:

· Soil moistened simple (rain) water;

· Preparing a solution;

· After 1 hour after watering fertilizer solution water is introduced in an amount of 1 to 50 mg per plant;

· Shed suspension at the edges of the pot, not touching the trunk of the bush.


Fertilize the plant begin in the spring of 1 every 12-15 days, continue to the summer (a frequency of 1 every 20-25 days).

In the autumn enough to shed a geranium 1 time in 30 days, in winter it is desirable to let her rest, not stimulating flowering.

Fertilizing the weakened plants are not produced. If geranium sick, or her chosen harmful insects, you must first get rid of these evils, and only then begin to fertilize it.

Of course, dressing iodine plays an important role in increasing the green mass and abundant formation of ovaries.

But you must also remember that the decorative appearance of geranium used depends on a complex of measures: the right to choose the place for its maintenance, regular watering, fertilizing, pinched out shoots.

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