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Mold on the roots and leaves of orchids. How to easily get rid of it

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Orchid - elegant houseplant able to transform the interior of the room. Orchid to feel comfortable and happy with its flowering, it is necessary to provide adequate care.

If not followed certain rules, namely temperature and irregular watering, the roots and leaves of the plant can affect mold.

This not only spoils the appearance of the flower, but also can cause his death.

If you notice such destruction at its plant you should immediately start treatment.

Getting rid of mold

At the first white mold forms on the substrate, it is necessary to remove the top layer and a new fill.

It will be effective if the fungal spores have not yet hit:

· Roots;

· leaves;

· Substrate;

· Plant completely.

If mildew struck orchid roots

If mildew struck roots of orchids, it is quite serious and can not delay the treatment.

To save the plant it is necessary to transplant the old substrate should be replaced by a new one. The roots of plants should be thoroughly rinsed under running water, the water should be warm to 30-35 C.

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Bad roots should be cut. After dilute fungicide (in the ratio 1: 6) and treat with a solution of the root system.

If mildew struck leaves orchid

Cure the affected leaves orchid help bluestone. To do this, take defended 2 liters of room temperature water and dissolved therein 1 teaspoon sulfate.

In this case, you should get a mixture of pale blue color. It is necessary to process all the leaves of orchids can be applied spray.

Treatment is carried out as long as the mold is not completely disappear.

Mold in the substrate

Struck the ground white mold must be disposed of, so it is necessary to transplant the plant. The new mixture must calcined for 20 minutes on a steam bath.

Then you need to add a few tablespoons of ground charcoal.

After the transplant, the new location, orchids need time to adapt, so it should not be for five days to water.

Mold plant is completely struck

In this case, you need a complex struggle. Leaves with strong pockets of mold to be removed, they must be cut with a sharp knife, slice and place treated with activated carbon.

The same applies to the roots. The substrate was changed to a new method described above.

If mildew struck all parts of the plant roots, the substrate, the orchid will not be able to save here.

The plant should be discarded, otherwise fungus spores can infect other plants in the house.

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