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How to make decembrist magnificently blossom

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Decembrist - a beautiful home flower that shows its color in winter - at the beginning and towards the middle. Rarely - in February. If a plant to take care of in a proper way, it is sure to bloom.

Otherwise, the flowers can not be seen in a whole year. Actually, if the flower is not dissolved, it means that any conditions of his detention are not met. Therefore, the Decembrists, to care, following certain rules.

What to do to decembrist bloomed

In general, the Decembrist - it is quite unpretentious flower, and it bloom require the most primitive conditions.

It is even said that it takes a so-called "link" for this plant, but in the sense that it will need to create conditions that are not suitable for other domestic flowers.

So first of all, the Decembrists did not fit the bright light. He is quite enough ordinary daylight during the day. Then it is useful to "sleep" in the dark.

Under direct sunlight the flower is also better not to. He is optimally suitable penumbra of course, if the flower was constantly in a place where a lot of light, and rearranged, it will not bloom at the same hour or the next day.

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Moreover, if it began to appear buds, and you have rearranged, he will throw them.

After replacing the place decembrist reacts very badly. Therefore, we must immediately find a suitable location for the plant.

The second condition is the minimum content of the Decembrists heat.

To sufficiently flower bloom temperature of about + 12 ° C at night and + 16 ° C in the daytime.

If the room temperature is higher than these figures, it is unlikely that the Decembrists destined to bloom. Therefore, if you have too hot a battery, it is bad for the plants.

Remember also that in no case should not be cut stalks or leaves from the Decembrists before blossoming.

During this period better than the other way around less water the plant and give it a minimum of light. In this case, the Decembrist will give you beautiful blooms.

In general, the Decembrist may refuse to show their colors for the following reasons:

· Poor lighting (prefers penumbra);

· Irregular watering (do not pour, especially before flowering)

· Too frequent transplanting (flower pot should be changed every 3-5 years);

· Large doses of fertilizers (Decembrists in them do not need).

Actually, to decembrist presented their flowering, follow the above instructions.

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